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Re: depend take 2

From: Rory Toma
Subject: Re: depend take 2
Date: 19 Dec 2002 16:22:40 -0800

I have a question for discussion. It seems that the two issues with the
previous code were:

flipping the "depend" statement order
suspending control time

I think I can easily fix those 2 in the old code. However, there are
some things I like in the new code. However, there seems to be more
duplicate code in the new code. In the old code, I was trying to have
all of the logic in check_process, and make everything pass thru that
before it was stopped or started. This would make it much simpler to
update for 4.0 when we add external sources.

When I get back from vacation (or tomorrow if I finish some snmp stuff)
I'd like to consolidate some of the new code. Either that or we discuss
what we want, revert and refactor again.

Rory Toma               address@hidden
VP of Run Level 5
Digeo Digital 

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