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Re: semi-handled event queue implementation patch

From: Jan-Henrik Haukeland
Subject: Re: semi-handled event queue implementation patch
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 16:21:36 +0200

On 7. okt. 2005, at 11.46, Martin Pala wrote:

.. instead of using memory directly it can be an idea to use the monit state file and read/write undelivered events from this file? Just a thought.

I though about it as well. Both queue backends (disk or memory) may become full independently of each other. The disk has additional advantage over memory, that it can hold the persistent queue, which will be kept across monit restarts.

Maybe we can do the queue backend little bit adaptive - for example it could be possible to set the total event queue (i.e. maximum) and the memory backend part as well.

It is necessary to store undelivered alert events in memory, but I suggest that this should only be used as a cache and be thrown away at the end of a poll-cycle. The actual queue and logic around resending events should, I believe, be centered around the state file only. As you said, having persistency is pretty important for this effort, otherwise all queued events will simply vaporize if monit crashes or if monit is restarted.

Only a few changes should be required from your original patch. As before, events are stored in memory if delivery fails in Run.eventlist. The change is that these events are then stored in the state file at the end of a cycle. Upon successful storage Run.eventlist is freed to make memory available again. And because the eventlist will not grow and are freed, it should not be necessary to limit the size of the queue via a [set .. memory slots]. The list will not use much memory (if any) in one cycle. Having a [set .. disk slots] limit is useful. This limit can be made optional and if not set, available disk space are used.

The bottom line is that I think that it can be easier to choose one solution, preferably the file storage, instead of having logic to handle a hybrid event queue, both in memory and in file.

Below I have tried to sketch some ideas in pseudo code. These are *just suggestions* and not necessarily well thought out nor something you should use.

At the end of validate() perform queue handling as sketched:

 /* Read number of stored events from monit state file */
 int nevents= fread(statefile);

 /* Try to resend stored events */
 Event_T event;
 for(i= nevents; (i < nevents && event= fread(statefile)); i++) {
     resend event;
     if(success) {
         remove event from state-file;

 /* Finally, just store the cached eventlist in the state file */
 int new_size= Run.eventlist.size + nevents;
 write size to monit state file;
 skip to end of state file;
 foreach(event in Run.eventlist) {
     write event to the state file

The file handling can be complicated since the whole file must *not* be read up into memory. If you think I can help with the coding, please let me know.

 set event queue
   memory slots 10
   disk slots   40

Looks fine! But as noted above "memory slots" should not be necessary and the default should be disabled. I.e. the queue is not used unless the user explicit write [set event queue .. enabled] in monitrc. Agree?

Jan-Henrik Haukeland
Mobil +47 97141255

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