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Re: [Monotone-devel] Unnecessary performance hit on push?

From: Marcel van der Boom
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Unnecessary performance hit on push?
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2005 15:45:55 +0200

On 1 okt 2005, at 11:35, Nathaniel Smith wrote:

Oh, sure, it's obviously waiting on IO.  The question is what IO are
we doing that takes so long, and how can we not do that :-).

I took a fresh copy of the database from the server. The problem completely disappears with that new db file (!?). It's still happening on the other file. I'm pretty sure the db is ok (monotone wise); db check returns fine.

Suppose there would be the possibility of a stale lock file (not sure if sqlite/osx even does that, reading through os_unix.c in sqlite doesnt bring much optimism to the table either), could that be a cause?

From running fs_usage on the mt process it just displays a read/ lseek during the whole time mt sits doing nothing. fs_usage also displays a 'W' in its output (from Waiting?) but i havent been able to figure out what that means.

Although the new db copy workaround seems to solve my direct problem, i'm now too deep into it to give up and really would like to know what's causing this.


Marcel van der Boom
HS-Development BV               --
So! webapplicatie framework  --

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