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Re: [Monotone-devel] Unnecessary performance hit on push?

From: Marcel van der Boom
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Unnecessary performance hit on push?
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2005 10:00:30 +0200

On 1 okt 2005, at 5:03, Nathaniel Smith wrote:

Just a guess, but what happens if you put a transaction guard around
the whole chunk?  (OS X has extra-paranoid disk-flushing stuff, that
makes wrapping multiple writes into a single transaction _very_
important.  I don't know why it would matter here, since naively it
looks like we're just reading, but...)

  transaction_guard guard(app.db);
  <do stuff>

The initial time stays roughly the same (bit longer seems), the second runs go from around 15 secs to 38secs.

I dont think the direct problem is in monotone itself, even if run on an otherwise minimal system, the monotone process is basically doing nothing, cpu/mem wise. Gonna try to find with Shark (osx profiler app) what the system is actually doing.


Marcel van der Boom
HS-Development BV               --
So! webapplicatie framework  --

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