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Re: [Monotone-devel] announcing preliminary "dumb server" support for mo

From: Zbynek Winkler
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] announcing preliminary "dumb server" support for monotone
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 21:48:18 +0200
User-agent: Debian Thunderbird 1.0.2 (X11/20050602)

Nathaniel Smith wrote:

On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 04:37:04PM +0200, Zbynek Winkler wrote:
Yeah, I've noticed that too. I suppose the trees are rebuilt for each push/pull because different branches can be included in it every time, right? Would it make sense to precompute the merkle trees for each branch and store it in the db? It could get updated in a lazy manner - when adding new things to the branch, delete the hash indexes that would need to be updated; on the next sync rebuild the all the missing hash indexes...
Maybe.  There isn't a separate merkle trie for each branch; there's a
single merkle trie for a _set_ of branches.

I know. I was suggesting it as a possible improvement.

(Or something like that
-- there's some subtlety where if we have A -> B, where A and B are in
a separate branches, any merkle trie that includes B will still
include A, to make sure the receiving db stays consistent.)
How can A and B be in different branches? I thought something like that could happen only in case of a propagate, when B would actually have two parents, each in different branch... Do you mean that every time there is some propagate between branches it is not possible to upload just one of them any more?

In the normal case, the user always syncs the same set, so this kind
of caching might be a win.  It's not really related to monotone-dumb,
though :-).
I agree that the relation might be not very obvious :-). The the thing is that monotone-dumb shows a way how to experiment with different synchronization methods without changing monotone itself. What I am thinking is that monotone-dumb is just one of possible synchronization methods. The cached tries could be another one. Maybe if it proves itself, it could later be integrated.

However, this doesn't actually solve any of the problems that solves, since all its heavy lifting has to do with the
other end -- how do you deal with a simple remote filesystem to make
it possible to efficiently push and pull.  It isn't trivial to
integrate this with something like the above 'automate merkle_hash'
idea, because then you'd have to make sure you could efficiently
calculate hashes _in the same way monotone does_, and that takes a bit
of thought.

Oh, however however, you're actually quite right -- you could do
something very conceptually simple in just monotone-dumb, which is
implement a class that acts like a MerkleDir, but that is constructed
in memory directly off a monotone database.  Basically, you'd iterate
over the db like do_export does, but instead of actually fetching
stuff, you could just keep track of which ids exist, build HASHES
files in memory, and use them to sync.  Then you pull stuff out of the
db as necessary, when it turns out you want to send it to the remote
side.  That'd be neat.

Yes, that would. I might give it a shot... How hard would it be to implement something like the above (including the precomputed per-branch merkle trees) outside of monotone first, let's say as a python wrapper? When adding stuff to a branch it would invalidate part of the stored cache and recompute it on next sync. One merkle dir would store only one branch...?
The precomputed per-branch merkle tries seems totally orthogonal to
me; maybe I'm missing something.
I tried to explain myself better above. Actually, the per-branch tries seem to you to be orthogonal to what exactly? Maybe I am missing something :-)


Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

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