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[Monotone-devel] projects using monotone?

From: Emile Snyder
Subject: [Monotone-devel] projects using monotone?
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 13:29:33 -0700

Hi all,

I'd like to put together an 'early adopters' page for the monotone
website that gives links to publicly accessible projects using monotone,
along with some quick stats (size of db, number of committers, number of
revs, etc.).

Evaluating a tool is hard if you don't have any full-scale projects to
use it on, so this would be a chance for people interested in monotone a
chance to check it out by trying to use it to hack on real projects
(besides monotone itself).  It would also let people get a feel for the
types of projects that have been comfortable migrating to monotone so
far, and the sorts of issues they've had to deal with.

So, if you are using monotone in some public capacity and wouldn't mind
a little free publicity, send in a link!

I also wouldn't mind notes from people that have tried to migrate to
monotone but discovered they were unable to for some reason.  What were
the deal breakers?

So far, between monotone-devel archives and google, my list is:

If you are one of these projects and *don't* want to be listed on such a
page, please let me know that too.


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