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Re: [Monotone-devel] [PATCH] mtn commit without -b and mtn branch

From: Thomas Keller
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] [PATCH] mtn commit without -b and mtn branch
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2007 08:09:48 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20070221)

Nathaniel Smith schrieb:

A thought on UI: I'm not sure that the current check that there is
_some_ common ancestor is quite the right thing.

Well, it just issues a warning, but doesn't stop you on anything. I thought it would be useful to avoid similar commit "accidents" like mine. If you like I can take that out, but I'd vote for letting the check in.

What do people think of:

'mtn branch':
   prints the workspace's current branch

Hrm... ok. I did not implement this because the branch is already written out by mtn status, but of course this command can take some time to complete in bigger workspaces. This is on my list.

'mtn branch <branch> --go':
   same as 'mtn update -b <branch> -r h:<branch>

What if <branch> does not yet exist? Just set the option and throw out a warning? Also I'm a bit unsure if we should put a real update here in the mix. I have to admit that I haven't seen such a functionality in any other vcs, f.e. in cvs branching is done in two steps as well, cvs tag -b branch && cvs up -r branch.

'mtn branch <branch> --here':
   unconditionally sets the current workspace's branch to <branch>

What about mtn branch <branch> acts like the above --go, and there is another mtn branch <branch> --no-update switch? "--here" is a bit "fuzzy", it suggests that there is a "--there" switch f.e. to change the branch for another workspace the user is not currently in.

'mtn branch <branch>':
   if <branch> is a new branch, or if it is an existing branch but any
   of our parents is in branch <branch>, acts like '--here'
   otherwise, errors out, suggests you hit up-arrow and add either
   --go or --here, depending on what you really expected.

? 'branch --go' at least seems like an intuitive UI...

So, my original warning should, with no options supplied, actually block the branch_option update? Hrm... I know you don't like --force switches, but I guess this would be the ideal option name here...


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