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Re: [Monotone-devel] some observations about roster node IDs

From: Zack Weinberg
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] some observations about roster node IDs
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 21:56:24 -0700

On 6/28/07, Nathaniel Smith <address@hidden> wrote:
You may want to double-check your numbers on a workload you're really
interested in, like 'pull' -- 'regenerate_caches', unless someone has
gone and fixed it when I wasn't looking, uses an arbitrary toposort.
Normally for things like pull we process revisions using our smart
height-based toposort, which has nice clustering behavior.  This means
that often (anyone want to measure?) when we want to load a roster,
its immediate parent is already in the roster cache.

Unfortunately, oprofile is still not working for me (I tried your
suggestion but it didn't help any) and I suspect the server side of a
pull will not appreciate the client running under cachegrind. I'll see
what I can do with boring old gprof...

Where are these dynamic_cast's coming from?  Roster loading seems like
a plausible source, since loading a roster requires doing many many
path lookups, and doing a path lookup requires doing dynamic_cast's on
the node_t's corresponding to each intermediate directory.  Roster
writing similarly requires O(tree) dynamic_casts, and poor cache
behavior for roster writing means that we'll be writing too many full
rosters (as dirty rosters get evicted, only to later be re-loaded and

Yeah, it's all path lookup, roster writeout, and deltificiation.

> We are currently doing node ID lookups with a hybrid_map, which is
> both a STL map (i.e. red-black tree) and a hashtable.  Lookups do not
> show up in my profiles, but I suspect they would for other workloads.

What workloads are you thinking of?  It seems plausible to me that
they would, but it also seems plausible that things like
pull or regenerate_rosters are a worst-case, given that they are doing
whole-roster operations over and over in their inner loop.

Pull, checkout, large updates, merge were what I was thinking of.
unify_rosters, but I don't know what hits that.

Do you know how much memory we're losing to the hash table as compared
to a dense vector?  Any idea how it compares to the memory we're
losing to, say, malloc overhead from the shared_ptr/std::string-happy
structures that the hash table is storing?  (I have no idea how to
measure either of these quantities, I wish I did.
database::roster_size_estimator::operator() is totally awesome.)

Urrr.  No, I don't know myself.  I do know that malloc and free are
the #2 and #3 entries on the regenerate_caches profile (#1 is,
unsurprisingly, Botan::SHA_160::hash, and #4 is our old friend

> * We might want to think about packing node IDs better.  I can think
> of several algorithms of varying degrees of cleverness, but suspect
> someone else has a better sense of how to do it.

Not sure what you mean here.  Within a database, node_ids are
perfectly packed -- we use every node_id from 1 up to the current
maximum.  We might arrange to make the space used by any given roster
less fragmented, I guess

Yes, that's what I had in mind.

 -- the obvious way that comes to mind would
be to process revisions in a clustered-toposorty sort of way so that
all the additions within one branch of development get adjacent parts
of the node_id space :-).

I wonder if it might make sense to leave space for future expansion somehow...

If that's true, you might want to run your
scripts on a database after doing a local fresh pull, as opposed to a

Will try that.


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