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Re: [Monotone-devel] resolving name conflicts; file suturing vs drop

From: Markus Schiltknecht
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] resolving name conflicts; file suturing vs drop
Date: Wed, 07 May 2008 07:48:16 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20080420)


Thomas Moschny wrote:
       A   B
      / \ /|
     |   X |
     |  / \|
     | C   D

    Suppose A has "add foo", B has "add foo", D is a simple merge, so
    D contains a single sutured file name "foo". Suppose also that C
    has "rename foo bar", and E is a simple merge, so E has two files
"foo" and "bar". Now, I merge E and D. What happens?

If D actually dropped both 'foo' nodes and created a new one 'foo' node with merged content, merging D and E would be a clean merge: drop 'foo' from A and drop 'bar' (being 'foo' from B), and add the new 'foo'. No conflict (with or without DieDieDie, in that example).

Hm.. no, we cannot let drop merge cleanly with suturing. Because those represent different user requests about how to proceed with a file. (Where monotone should not have any preference).

Think of the following:

        A   B            // both add "foo"
       / \ /|
      /   X |
     /|  / \|
    / | C   D            // let D be the suturing of the "foo"s
   F  |/                 // and (C, E) resolve the ncc with a drop
      E                  //
                         // I only appended F, which is an edit
                         // of "foo"

Now, we have three heads. If droping doesn't conflict with suturing, survival of the edit in F would depend on the merge ordering:

 * if you merge E and F first, then D, the edit in F is lost.
 * if you merge F and D first, then E, the edit in F is preserved
   (though the content merge problem for suturing applies).

Being dependent on the order of merges is certainly a bad thing (tm).

(The other bad thing being, that monotone favors the suturing over the drop).

Same applies for having a 'rename' in F. Thus suturing (as used to resolve non-content conflicts) needs to conflict with dropping and renaming.

*Unless*, of course, we (after killing DieDieDie) decide that changing a file's content or changing it's name causes it's aliveness state being marked for the respective revision (in the sense of *-merge)[1].

Hm.. yeah, sounds reasonable.

In *that* case, there would be aliveness conflicts (and probably also a chain of content conflicts following) for old 'foo' and 'foo' aka 'bar' nodes, like Nathaniel described.

Uh.. why does marking aliveness state influence the amount of content conflicts?

But that probably shouldn't scare us anymore after we have learned how to control resurrection and the content conflict chains arising there.

I've completely lost you here, sorry.

The problem is, that the all deleted files will have to stay in the rosters forever. This is not so much a problem storage-wise, because we only store leave rosters in full, and deltas for old rosters. Nevertheless it may have a serious impact on speed as we still (at least temporarily) construct a lot of full rosters for old revisions during common operations, e.g. pull.

Yeah, I'm aware of that problem. However, I don't think suturing (nor copying) has much to do with file resurrection.

That's why I am still thinking we need a new storage scheme that allows easily access to relevant parts of a roster - as we already do for restricted log and annotate, but in a cleaner fashion.

Hm.. you mean splitting the aliveness information from rosters, as we have split height information? Or what do you have in mind?



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