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[moz-bonobo-list] Plugin claims application/octet-stream as type when i

From: Mikko Rauhala
Subject: [moz-bonobo-list] Plugin claims application/octet-stream as type when it's not
Date: 14 Jun 2003 03:15:41 +0300

When I try to view an MS word document on the Plugger Word test
document¹, mozilla-bonobo complains that it couldn't load viewer for
content of type "application/octet-stream". However, the server does
send it as application/msword as verified by curl --head. Also, when I
grab the file, file(1) recognizes it as MS Word data, and Abiword opens
it nicely. Ergo the weirdness. What's up with that?

Oh, and my mozilla-bonobo is set to ignore application/octet-stream
anyway. And yes, application/msword is listed in about:plugins. And by
the way, the same thing happens with the excel file, though the tiff, ps
and pdf files display properly using mozilla-bonobo.

(Incidentally, just noticed that mozilla-bonobo has made its way into
Debian Sid. Excellent. :)

¹ <URL:>

Mikko Rauhala   - address@hidden     - <URL:>
Transhumanist   - WTA member     - <URL:>
Singularitarian - SIAI supporter - <URL:>

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