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Re: [moz-bonobo-list] Plugin claims application/octet-stream as type wh

From: Christian Glodt
Subject: Re: [moz-bonobo-list] Plugin claims application/octet-stream as type when it's not
Date: 14 Jun 2003 13:39:35 +0200

On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 02:15, Mikko Rauhala wrote: 
> When I try to view an MS word document on the Plugger Word test
> document¹, mozilla-bonobo complains that it couldn't load viewer for
> content of type "application/octet-stream". However, the server does
> send it as application/msword as verified by curl --head. Also, when I
> grab the file, file(1) recognizes it as MS Word data, and Abiword opens
> it nicely. Ergo the weirdness. What's up with that?

The error message may be incorrect, as Jean Bréfort stated in
another mail. I'll correct that. The problem scenario however
seems to be the following: Mozilla downloads the file into its
cache. Files in the cache don't keep their usual filename, but
get renamed (an example cache file on my system is
~/.mozilla/chris/9os9cqge.slt/Cache/A8C67739d01). The plugin
then tries to load a component which can open this file.
This fails because gnome-vfs doesn't detect the correct mime
type for the file in the cache. Then the plugin displays an
error message, based on the same (wrong) mime type detected by

So the solution is to fix gnome-vfs. Since that may take some
time (or may not be possible in all cases), the mime type needs
to be passed from the browser to the viewer, which can use it to
get a bonobo component for that mime type.

I'll see what I can do about all that.

> Oh, and my mozilla-bonobo is set to ignore application/octet-stream
> anyway. And yes, application/msword is listed in about:plugins. And by
> the way, the same thing happens with the excel file, though the tiff, ps
> and pdf files display properly using mozilla-bonobo.

I think these are instances of the same problem.

> (Incidentally, just noticed that mozilla-bonobo has made its way into
> Debian Sid. Excellent. :)
> ¹ <URL:>


Christian Glodt

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