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[Myexperiment-discuss] local myExperiment usage

From: Olivier Hamon
Subject: [Myexperiment-discuss] local myExperiment usage
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 17:21:44 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110223 Thunderbird/3.1.8

Hello again,

Now that my local myExperiment is installed, I'm trying to use it. And there too, some bugs disturbed me. could be my configuration not correct?

First, I got an error message when submitting a new workflow: "undefined local variable or method `workflow_types' for #<#<Class:0x7f1f8ba7f6a0>:0x7f1f8ba7f650>"

For the time being, I just deleted " + workflow_types" in the "app/views/workflows/_main_metadata_form.rhtml" file. And of course, it doesn't really please to me...

Second issue with "undefined method `length’ for Enumerable Enumerator on text_helper.rb:50:in `truncate’". To correct this, I did what is recommended there:

Finally, "workflow_context_object" is not recognized in the "app/views/workflows/show.rhtml" file. I did not find anything else than deleting the line...

Any help would be most of welcome.


Olivier HAMON                          address@hidden
ELDA - Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency
55-57, rue Brillat Savarin             Tel : +33 1 43 13 33 43
75013 Paris - France                   Fax : +33 1 43 13 33 30               

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