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Re: [Nano-devel] [RFC] add a toggle to write out a selection instead of

From: Mike Scalora
Subject: Re: [Nano-devel] [RFC] add a toggle to write out a selection instead of the entire buffer
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2018 15:05:39 +0000

IMHO: Despite having used nano for decades, I was surprised it works the way it does work now. I think FILE operations (save, read) are not like text/content operations (replace, spell check, cut) so I don’t think this commonality makes sense (is expected). For the majority of users, I think it would be surprising behavior, in this case, a bad surprise. I support the toggle being added, I would even prefer it to NOT be sticky. Saving only the selection is something I would do very rarely and I fear not noticing and loosing the rest of the file.


On Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 3:51 AM Benno Schulenberg <address@hidden> wrote:

Op 21-02-18 om 11:35 schreef Brand Huntsman:

But back to the whole concept of having a toggle to write out a selection
instead of the whole buffer.  Currently, when a region is marked, this
affects the behavior of M-R (Replace), of ^T (Spell checking), and of ^O
(Write Out).  When the piping feature is added, it will also affect the
behavior of ^R^X^\.  So... whenever something is marked, the user would
expect the operation to be limited to the marked region and not work on
the whole buffer.  That is nano's style.  If you now add a toggle to the
Write Out menu that changes and breaks this style...  I don't agree with


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