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Re: [Nethack-el-devel] Pets

From: Shawn Betts
Subject: Re: [Nethack-el-devel] Pets
Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 01:52:14 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

Faux_Pseudo <address@hidden> writes:

> Is there anyway we can get pets to be highlighted in nethack-el like
> they are in the regular nethack?  This is the second time I was killed
> by a house cat because I didn't realise that it wasn't my pet until I
> had lost half my hp.

Hi Faux_Pseudo,

With the current source, there isn't. I coded up a hack to add a new
face: nethack-pet-face. But I'm not sure that's the Right Way. The
other way is to add an inverse field but that messes things up as far
as faces are concerned since we'd need another 16 inverse faces and
they might get out of sync with the other ones.

What do you think Ryan?

Here's the patch for nethack:

RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/nethack/win/lisp/winlisp.c,v
retrieving revision 1.59
diff -r1.59 winlisp.c
>     /* A little hack to allow you to customize the color of your
>        pet. */
>     if (special & MG_PET)
>       {
>       color = CLR_MAX;
>       }

and here's the patch for nethack-el:

Index: nethack-api.el
RCS file: /cvsroot/nethack-el/nethack-el/nethack-api.el,v
retrieving revision 1.85
diff -r1.85 nethack-api.el
<    nethack-bright-cyan-face   nethack-white-face]
>    nethack-bright-cyan-face   nethack-white-face
>    nethack-pet-face]
Index: nethack.el
RCS file: /cvsroot/nethack-el/nethack-el/nethack.el,v
retrieving revision 1.75
diff -r1.75 nethack.el
> (defface nethack-pet-face
>   `((((type tty) (class color))
>      (:foreground "black" :background "white" :bold t))
>     (((class color) (background dark))
>      (:foreground "black" :background "white"))
>     (((class color) (background light))
>      (:foreground "white" :background "black"))
>     (t (:foreground "gray")))
>   "nethack white"
>   :group 'nethack-faces)

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