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Re: [Nmh-workers] Renaming Nmh-Attachment to Attach

From: Ken Hornstein
Subject: Re: [Nmh-workers] Renaming Nmh-Attachment to Attach
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2014 00:21:33 -0500

>I don't understand why making it configurable is such an issue; the code to
>get things out of the profile is pretty straightforward.

Sigh.  It's just MORE CODE.  Also ... it would be nice to document
"Attach" as the header, rather than "It's Attach, unless you add this
flag".  Also, I was planning on changing the argv[0] vector for mhbuild
when run automatically, so you could have different profile entries for
that usage case ... I cannot just imagine any reason why this is a useful
knob to have.  If someone can make that case, please do so, and "it might
break something for someone, somewhere" isn't a good enough reason for me.

>BTW, what stands out to me as the problem in your points above is the ability
>for users to manually run mhbuild.  A lot of the grumbling about the original
>attach code was about it not being as configurable as mhbuild, and it seems
>like changes are in the works to fix this.  So my take is to fix it good and
>hide mhbuild in some dark corner.  Oh, and make sure that Norm knows where to
>find it :)

One thing Ralph mentioned that he didn't like about attach was that he
couldn't see what the MIME output was.  This will fix that.  I'm not saying
mhbuild is the right long-term solution, but MIME composition is a bit
of a tough problem ... and it will require some thought and a lot of code.


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