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Re: [Nmh-workers] New mhbuild directives

From: Lyndon Nerenberg
Subject: Re: [Nmh-workers] New mhbuild directives
Date: Wed, 14 May 2014 16:40:33 -0700

On May 14, 2014, at 4:31 PM, Ken Hornstein <address@hidden> wrote:

> Sigh.  I didn't say that.

Yes you did! You explicitly called out an in-code hardwired table.

> - Remove the special case for text/calendar in the source code.


> - Implement a new "Inline" header.
> - Implement a new "inline" command at the WhatNow prompt.

How can an inline header specify where to inline the content?  The point of 
inline is to display the content in the context of the location of the inlined 
MIME part.  I.e. right *here* where I invoke it.

If the MIME authors had intended for the attached baggage to be displayed, 
there wouldn't be a disposition field.  Instead, it would have been called 
'display', and everything would have been tacked on to the end of the message.

But the MIME authors allowed for mixed MIME parts throughout the message, some 
with inline, some without.  Might they not have had a reason for doing things 
that way?


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