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Re: [Nmh-workers] Feature requests (or explanation of how to do 'em if a

From: Ken Hornstein
Subject: Re: [Nmh-workers] Feature requests (or explanation of how to do 'em if already there)
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 12:13:18 -0400

>Assuming Jon's addresses are address@hidden then he might find
>%(amatch) useful to match the start of the address for `jon-' and
>%(host) to check just the domain part.  Best I can think of in lieu of a
>%(globmatch) or %(rematch).  :-)  Might he also need %(decode)?  I
>suspect that header can be MIME-encoded.

If it was using RFC 2047 encoding, it's fine if it's not decoded.  The
encoded token will still be valid.

>I have lots of nmh wrapper scripts.  I wonder if sometimes it would be
>easier to have nmh do the initial hard work, parsing, expanding message
>sequences, etc., then optionally call a program of my choice with a
>well-defined, ideal for parsing, summary of what's been worked out,
>allowing the program to filter it, and nmh then uses that filtered
>output from there on.

That's kind of what I was proposing earlier.


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