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Re: [Nmh-workers] contrib to select mail server based on From: in draft

From: bergman
Subject: Re: [Nmh-workers] contrib to select mail server based on From: in draft
Date: Tue, 31 May 2016 14:02:32 -0400

In the message dated: Tue, 31 May 2016 13:11:33 -0400,
The pithy ruminations from Ken Hornstein on 
<Re: [Nmh-workers] contrib to select mail server based on From: in draft> were:
=> >Do you have anything set up to automatically alter From addresses when
=> >replying?  I've a hacked-up editor script that alters them according to
=> >various things, such as the originator or recipient address.  Maybe
=> >there's a more nmh-y way to do that nowadays though..?
=> We've discussed this on the mailing list in the past, although I guess
=> we never sat down and spelled out the steps.  But yes, I do this.

I do this as well, since ~2007.

=> The magic is all in replcomps; basically, that needs to be modified so

Same here, plus a customized "repl" wrapper script that sets the Fcc:,
Reply-To:, and signature based on the "From" address.

I'd be glad to share my perl wrapper script again, but I'm sure that there are
more integrated, cleaner solutions, such as replyfilter.


=> the "right" header is chosen based on some criteria in the original message.
=> Here's part of what I use, to give you an idea:
=> %<{delivered-to}%<(match address@hidden)\
=> From: Ken Hornstein <address@hidden>
=> %|\
=> From: Ken Hornstein <address@hidden>
=> %>\
=> That means, "If the Delivered-To header matches "address@hidden", put
=> a From header of address@hidden, otherwise use my work address.  This
=> assumes you have some mechanism to decide on the From header based on
=> the message headers, and that the mh-profile language is powerful enough
=> to make use of it.
=> --Ken
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Mark Bergman    Biker, Rock Climber, SCUBA Diver, Unix mechanic, IATSE #1 
'94 Yamaha GTS1000A^2
address@hidden                          https://www.flickr.com/photos/rmsppu


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