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Re: [OATH-Toolkit-help] OATH Toolkit 2.6.0

From: David Woodhouse
Subject: Re: [OATH-Toolkit-help] OATH Toolkit 2.6.0
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 17:53:12 +0100

On Tue, 2015-05-19 at 13:58 +0200, Simon Josefsson wrote:
> Long time, no release!  I'm kicking off working on oath-toolkit with
> this release to fix some minor issues. 

Welcome back :)

>  Now is a good time to ping me about anything I have neglected to do 
> wrt oath-toolkit.

How about making it easier to use for clients. I would love to have a
function which I can simply pass the *filename* of a PSKC file, and
have it just give me a token code. Updating the file as necessary, with
some reasonable locking and power-fail-safety, if it's a HOTP token.

As it is, there isn't even a simple way to use libpskc and liboath
together, and even read the PSKC file and generate a token.

Somewhat more out of scope, but it would also be *really* neat to be
able to import tokens from other things, like the Java monstrosity that
is McAfee Pledge :)


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