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succcessful to build octave-3.1.51 with full components on mingw

From: Tatsuro MATSUOKA
Subject: succcessful to build octave-3.1.51 with full components on mingw
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 10:39:27 +0900 (JST)


I have at last been succcessful to build octave-3.1.51 with full components on 

Thank you for Michael to opengl and FTGL supports.

Although few errors exist in tests, I will upload the binary on my web in the 
near future.



Octave is now configured for i686-pc-mingw32

  Source directory:     .
  Installation prefix:  /usr/local/octave-3.1.51
  C compiler:           gcc  -mieee-fp  -Wall -W -Wshadow -g -O2
  C++ compiler:         g++  -mieee-fp -IC:/Programs/GnuWin32/include/freetype2
-IC:/Programs/GnuWin32/include  -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wold-style-cast -g -O2
  Fortran compiler:     g77 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -mieee-fp
  Fortran libraries:     -Lc:/Programs/mingw/lib -Lc:/Programs/GnuWin32/lib
-Lc:/Programs/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.5/../../.. -lhdf5 -lz -lm -luuid 
-lwsock32 -lws2_32
-lgmp -lregex.dll -lcurl.dll -lopengl32 -lglu32 -lwldap32 -lssl -lcrypto 
-lfrtbegin -lg2c -lmingw32
-lmoldname -lmingwex -lmsvcrt -luser32 -lkernel32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32
  BLAS libraries:       -llapack -ltmglib -lblas
  FFTW libraries:       -lfftw3 -lfftw3f
  GLPK libraries:       -lglpk
  UMFPACK libraries:    -lumfpack
  AMD libraries:        -lamd
  CAMD libraries:       -lcamd
  COLAMD libraries:     -lcolamd
  CCOLAMD libraries:    -lccolamd
  CHOLMOD libraries:    -lcholmod
  CXSPARSE libraries:   -lcxsparse
  HDF5 libraries:       -lhdf5
  CURL libraries:       -lcurl
  REGEX libraries:      -Lc:/progra~1/Pcre/lib -lpcre -Wl,-s
  QHULL libraries:      -lqhull
  LIBS:                 -lreadline  -ltermcap -lblas -lhdf5 -lz -lm -luuid 
-lwsock32 -lws2_32 -lgmp
-lregex.dll -lcurl.dll -lopengl32 -lglu32 -lwldap32 -lssl -lcrypto -lws2_32 
  Default pager:        less
  gnuplot:              pgnuplot
  OPENGL libraries:     -lopengl32 -lglu32 -LC:/Programs/GnuWin32/lib 
-lfreetype -lz -Wl,-s -LD:/Progra~1/GnuWin32/lib -lintl -lwsock32 -lole32 
-luuid -lmsvcp60 -lftgl
  FLTK backend libs:    -L/usr/local/fltk-1.1.9/lib -mwindows -L/mingw/lib 
-L/usr/local/octave-3.1.51/lib -mno-cygwin -lfltk_gl -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lfltk 
-luuid -lwsock32
-lws2_32 -lgmp -lregex.dll -lopengl32 -lglu32 -lwldap32 -lole32 -luuid 
-lcomctl32 -lwsock32
  Magick config:        GraphicsMagick++-config

  Do internal array bounds checking:  false
  Build static libraries:             false
  Build shared libraries:             true
  Dynamic Linking:                    true (LoadLibrary)
  Include support for GNU readline:   true
  64-bit array dims and indexing:     false

test so fat

I note here test_io.m hanged up (unsolved problem so far).

I also note that unstripped linoctinterp.dll does not work due to memory 
conflict with windows system.
(win XP Home ssp3)

Integrated test scripts:
  C:\usr\tatsu\mingwhome\octaves\octave-3.1.51\src\data.cc  PASS  504/508  FAIL
  C:\usr\tatsu\mingwhome\octaves\octave-3.1.51\src\mappers.cc  PASS  227/230  
  C:\usr\tatsu\mingwhome\octaves\octave-3.1.51\src\ov-fcn-handle.cc  PASS    
1/2    FAIL 1
  C:\usr\tatsu\mingwhome\octaves\octave-3.1.51\scripts/general\bitcmp.m  PASS
14/15   FAIL 1
  C:\usr\tatsu\mingwhome\octaves\octave-3.1.51\scripts/strings\mat2str.m  PASS
  2/3    FAIL 1

Fixed test scripts:

  test_string.m .......................................... PASS   76/77   FAIL 1


  PASS   3714
  FAIL     11

There were 3 expected failures (see fntests.log for details).

Expected failures are known bugs.  Please help improve
Octave by contributing fixes for them.

There were 11 skipped tests (see fntest.log for details).
Skipped tests are features that are disabled in this version
of Octave as the needed libraries were not present when Octave
was built

804 (of 1045) .m files have no tests.

781 (of 832) .cc files have no tests.

First I note that 

>>>>> processing C:\usr\tatsu\mingwhome\octaves\octave-3.1.51\src\data.cc
  ***** assert(log2(complex(0,Inf)), Inf + log2(i));
!!!!! test failed
assert (log2 (complex (0, Inf)),Inf + log2 (i)) expected
Inf + 2.266i
but got
NaN - NaNi
NaNs don't match  ***** test
 [f, e] = log2 ([0,-1; 2,-4; Inf,-Inf]);
 assert (f, [0,-0.5; 0.5,-0.5; Inf,-Inf]);
 assert (e, [0,1;2,3;0,0])
!!!!! test failed
assert (f,[0, -0.5; 0.5, -0.5; Inf, -Inf]) expected
   0.00000  -0.50000
   0.50000  -0.50000
       Inf      -Inf
but got
   0.00000  -0.50000
   0.50000  -0.50000
       NaN       NaN
NaNs don't match  ***** test
 [f, e] = log2 (complex (zeros (3, 2), [0,-1; 2,-4; Inf,-Inf]));
 assert (f, complex (zeros (3, 2), [0,-0.5; 0.5,-0.5; Inf,-Inf]));
 assert (e, [0,1; 2,3; 0,0]);
!!!!! test failed
assert (f,complex (zeros (3, 2), [0, -0.5; 0.5, -0.5; Inf, -Inf])) expected
   0.00000 + 0.00000i   0.00000 - 0.50000i
   0.00000 + 0.50000i   0.00000 - 0.50000i
   0.00000 +     Infi   0.00000 -     Infi
but got
   0.00000 + 0.00000i   0.00000 - 0.50000i
   0.00000 + 0.50000i   0.00000 - 0.50000i
       NaN -     NaNi       NaN -     NaNi
NaNs don't match  ***** test
 [v, i] = sort ([NaN, 1i, -1, Inf, 1, 1i]);
 assert (v, [1, 1i, 1i, -1, Inf, NaN])
 assert (i, [5, 2, 6, 3, 4, 1])
!!!!! test failed
assert (i,[5, 2, 6, 3, 4, 1]) expected
   5   2   6   3   4   1
but got
   5   6   2   3   4   1
values do not matchshared variables {
  m2 =

     1   2
     3   4

  flo = 0
  fhi = Inf

>>>>> processing C:\usr\tatsu\mingwhome\octaves\octave-3.1.51\src\mappers.cc
  ***** assert(isna (single(NA)));
!!!!! test failed
assert (isna (single (NA))) failed  ***** assert(isna(single([NaN -Inf -1 0 1 
Inf NA])), [false,
false, false, false, false, false, true]);
!!!!! test failed
assert (isna (single ([NaN, -Inf, -1, 0, 1, Inf, NA])),[false, false, false, 
false, false, false,
true]) expected
   0   0   0   0   0   0   1
but got
   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
values do not match  ***** assert(log (single([1, e, e^2])), single([0, 1, 2]), 
sqrt (eps));
!!!!! test failed
assert (log (single ([1, e, e ^ 2])),single ([0, 1, 2]),sqrt (eps)) expected
   0   1   2
but got
   0.00000   1.00000   2.00000
maximum absolute error 5.96046e-08 exceeds tolerance 1.49012e-08>>>>> processing
  ***** test
 a = 2;
 f = @(x) a + x;
 g = @(x) 2 * x;
 hm = @flops;
 hdld = @svd;
 hbi = @log2;
 f2 = f;
 g2 = g;
 hm2 = hm;
 hdld2 = hdld;
 hbi2 = hbi;
 modes = {"-text", "-binary"};
 if (!isempty(findstr(octave_config_info ("DEFS"),"HAVE_HDF5")))
   modes(end+1) = "-hdf5";
 for i = 1:numel (modes)
   mode = modes{i};
   nm = tmpnam();
     save (mode, nm, "f2", "g2", "hm2", "hdld2", "hbi2");
     clear f2 g2 hm2 hdld2 hbi2
     load (nm);
     assert (f(2),f2(2));
     assert (g(2),g2(2));
     assert (g(3),g2(3));
     unlink (nm);
     save (mode, nm, "f2", "g2", "hm2", "hdld2", "hbi2");
     unlink (nm);
!!!!! test failed

>>>>> processing 
>>>>> C:\usr\tatsu\mingwhome\octaves\octave-3.1.51\scripts/general\bitcmp.m
  ***** assert(bitcmp(A,Amax),bitor(bitshift(1,Amax-1),bitshift(1,Amax-2)));
!!!!! test failed
assert (bitcmp (A, Amax),bitor (bitshift (1, Amax - 1), bitshift (1, Amax - 
2))) expected
but got
values do not matchshared variables {
  Amax =  53
  Bmax =  9.0072e+15
  A =  2.2518e+15

>>>>> processing 
>>>>> C:\usr\tatsu\mingwhome\octaves\octave-3.1.51\scripts/strings\mat2str.m
  ***** assert (mat2str ([-1/3 +i/7; 1/3 -i/7], [4 2]), 
!!!!! test failed
assert (mat2str ([-1 / 3, +i / 7; 1 / 3, -i / 7], [4, 
but got

>>>>> processing test_string
  ***** test
 charset = setstr (0:127);
 result = zeros (1, 128);
 result (33:127) = 1;
 if (ispc () && ! isunix ())
   result(10) = 1;
 assert(all (isprint (charset) == result));
!!!!! test failed
assert (all (isprint (charset) == result)) failed

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