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Re: [Changeset]: Re: cla() ?

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: [Changeset]: Re: cla() ?
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 16:58:36 -0400

On Friday, October 10, 2008, at 04:22PM, "John W. Eaton" <address@hidden> wrote:
>I guess this gets back to the issue that Michael has brought up about
>having gh_manager::free also remove the child from its parent.
>However, my attempts to make that change did not work.  I think I'm
>missing some protection from infinite recursion on gh_manager::free.
>I'm having some trouble understanding how callbacks, delete,
>gh_manager::free, removing children, etc. should work, so I
>could use some help here.

I'm remain unfamiliar with the c++ side. So I won't be any help with this, but 
I do have a question regarding the nature of the objects' properties. Are the 
properties essentially structures? or are they more than that? Can their values 
be associated with some function?

For example, can get (gcf, "currentaxes") call a function that (1) returns the 
handle for the last known active axis object, provided to associated axis 
exists, or (2) in the event the axis does not exist look for the youngest 
axis/child of the figure and return that, or (3) if no child axes exist then 
create one?

Beyond that, I do understand why the function that deletes an object should be 
responsible to notifying the child's parent. However, I do not understand why 
that delete process should take care of things like "currentfigure" or 
"currentaxes". Shouldn't it be the responsibility of the parent to say who 
their favorite child is? ... further shouldn't the parent have the freedom to 
delay that determination until someone asks?

Like I said, I'm rather clueless here, so my inferences of what is being stated 
may be way off.


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