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Re: About diagonal matrices

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: About diagonal matrices
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2009 17:49:59 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20041020

Daniel J Sebald wrote:
John W. Eaton wrote:

On 20-Feb-2009, Daniel J Sebald wrote:

| If I'm a user who wants to think in terms of the extended real
| number system, then limits are of interest, i.e., Inf is the limit
| as series x_i becomes positively unbounded (but not negatively
| unbounded).  1/0 is fraught with problems though because it doesn't
| indicate how the limit is approached.  That is, how do we know that
| 1/0 is +Inf and not -Inf?  1/+0 could mean approach zero from the
| left, so 1/+0 = +Inf.  Likewise 1/-0 = -Inf.  Octave agrees with
| that train of thought, e.g.,
| | octave:20> 1/(+0)
| warning: division by zero
| ans = Inf
| octave:21> 1/(-0)
| warning: division by zero
| ans = -Inf
| | But here is where the trouble shows up:
| | octave:22> 1/(+0-0)
| warning: division by zero
| ans = Inf
| octave:23> 1/(-0+0)
| warning: division by zero
| ans = Inf
| | The problem is trying to treat 0 as both a number in the number system and the notion of a one-sided limit. (Perhaps what some mathematician should have done long ago was to define the extended real number system as R union {+Inf, -Inf, +Zed, -Zed}. Anyway...)
| | And how about this one, irrespective of the previous comments?
| | octave:42> sqrt(-0)
| ans = -0
| | Shouldn't that be complex 0 + 0i?  That is,
| | octave:44> sqrt(-2)
| ans =  0.00000 + 1.41421i
| octave:45> sqrt(-1)
| ans =  0 + 1i
| octave:46> sqrt(-0.5)
| ans =  0.00000 + 0.70711i
| ...
| sqrt(lim x-> 0 from left) = 0 + 0i.

We try to do what is right for IEEE floating point.  Maybe sqrt should
be fixed.

There are a number of other problems with the way we (and every other
language that I know of) handle complex numbers.  For example, since
we don't have pure imaginary values, I think things like i/0 or i*Inf
fail to do the right thing.

octave:2> i/0
warning: division by zero
ans = NaN - NaNi
octave:3> i*Inf
ans = NaN + Infi

That is a bit messy, isn't it? As a slight fix for consistency, I'd think these two should match, i.e., i/0 = NaN + Infi.

Should "Infi" be allowable syntax?  Otherwise the only way of creating 0 + Infi 

octave:16> complex(0,Inf)
ans =    0 + Infi

Here's a bug:

octave:18> complex(0,Inf) - Inf
ans = -Inf + Infi
octave:23> complex(0,-Inf) + Inf
ans = Inf - Infi

That should be -Inf + NaNi, I'd think.  Same sort of thing here:

octave:28> complex(0,-Inf) / 0
warning: division by zero
ans = NaN - NaNi

should be NaN - Infi.

Perhaps there should be some test functions that come along with the function 
"complex", once we figure out (i.e., guess or arbitrarily assign) what the 
answer should actually be.


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