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Re: divergence function

From: Javier Enciso
Subject: Re: divergence function
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 16:11:44 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)

Jaroslav Hajek wrote:
On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Javier Enciso <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi All,

I' not sure whether this email already reach you guys, I wasn't member of
the mailing list, anyway I just resend it.

I'm glad to contribute with the 'divergence' function. This function
is used to compute divergence of vector field and is part of Matlab's
core functions.

In doubt, please feel free to contact me.


Hello Javier,

I have a couple of suggestions:
1. Please don't use tabs (or 8 spaces) to indent the code; use two
spaces. This is done everywhere in Octave sources.

2. blocks like
                       x = varargin {1};
                       y = varargin {2};
                       z = varargin {3};
                       u = varargin {4};
                       v = varargin {5};
                       w = varargin {6};
can be abbreviated to

[x,y,z,u,v,w] = deal (varargin{1:6});

this improves readability. Consider doing it.

3. in check_dim, the for loops can be avoided:

function [] = check_dim (varargin)
  if (!size_equal (varargin{:})
    error ("Size of matrices must be equal");

  switch (nargin)
  case {2, 4}
    if (any (cellfun (@ndims, varargin) != 2))
      error ("Matrices must have 2 dimensions");
  case {3, 6}                   
    if (any (cellfun (@ndims, varargin) != 3))
      error ("Matrices must have 3 dimensions");

no big concern about performance in this case, since nargin is small,
but it also seems to improve readability, at least to me...

Hi Jaroslav,

Thanks for your suggestions, it really helps to improve the readability of the code. ;-)

I already made the corrections and I hope the code is ready to be shipped. If you (or someone else) have any other concern, please let me know.

## Copyright (C) 2009   Javier Enciso   <address@hidden>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, see 
## <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {Function file} {} divergence (@var{X}, @var{Y}, @var{Z}, 
@var{U}, @var{V}, @var{W})
## @deftypefnx {Function file} {} divergence (@var{U}, @var{V}, @var{W})
## @deftypefnx {Function file} {} divergence (@var{X}, @var{Y}, @var{U}, 
## @deftypefnx {Function file} {} divergence (@var{U}, @var{V})
## Compute divergence of vector field. 
## @code{divergence (X, Y, Z, U, V, W)} computes the divergence of a 
3-dimensional vector field 
## @var{U}, @var{V}, @var{W} at the points @var{X}, @var{Y}, @var{Z}. 
Coordinate points 
## must preserve the given order and define a 3-dimensional grid.
## If @var{X}, @var{Y}, and @var{Z} are omitted, @code{divergence (U, V, W)} 
## that the coordinates are given by the expression @code{[X, Y, Z] = meshgrid 
(1:n, 1:m, 1:p)}
## where @code{[m, n, p] = size (U)}.
## @code{divergence (X, Y, U, V)} computes the divergence of a 2-dimensional 
vector field @var{U}, 
## @var{V} at the points @var{X}, @var{Y}. Coordinate points must preserve the 
given order 
## and define a 2-dimensional grid.
## If @var{X} and @var{Y} are omitted, @code{divergence (U, V)} assumes that 
## coordinate points @var{X} and @var{Y} are given by the expression @code{[X, 
Y] = 
## meshgrid (1:n, 1:m)} where @code{[m, n] = size (U)}.
## @end deftypefn

function [div] = divergence (varargin)
  switch (nargin)
    case 2
      [u, v] = deal (varargin{1:2});
      check_dim (u, v);
      [du, dump] = gradient (u);
      [dump, dv] = gradient (v);
      div = du + dv;
    case 3
      [u, v, w] = deal (varargin{1:3});
      check_dim (u, v, w);
      [du, dump, dump] = gradient (u);
      [dump, dv, dump] = gradient (v);
      [dump, dump, dw] = gradient (w);
      div = du + dv + dw;
    case 4
      [x, y, u, v] = deal (varargin{1:4});
      check_dim (x, y, u, v);
      [du, dump] = gradient (u);
      [dump, dv] = gradient (v);
      [dx, dump] = gradient (x);
      [dump, dy] = gradient (y);
      div = du./dx + dv./dy;
    case 6
      [x, y, z, u, v, w] = deal (varargin{1:6});
      check_dim (x, y, z, u, v, w);
      [du, dump, dump] = gradient (u);
      [dump, dv, dump] = gradient (v);
      [dump, dump, dw] = gradient (w);
      [dx, dump, dump] = gradient (x);
      [dump, dy, dump] = gradient (y);
      [dump, dump, dz] = gradient (z);
      div = du./dx + dv./dy + dw./dz;
      print_usage ();

function [] = check_dim (varargin)
  if (!size_equal (varargin{:}))
    error ("Size of matrices must be equal");

  switch (nargin)
  case {2, 4}
    if (any (cellfun (@ndims, varargin) != 2))
      error ("Matrices must have 2 dimensions");
  case {3, 6}
    if (any (cellfun (@ndims, varargin) != 3))
      error ("Matrices must have 3 dimensions");

%! a = [1, 3; 1, 2];
%! b = [3, 3; 1, 4];
%! expect = [0, 3; -1, 2];
%! get = divergence (a, b);
%! if (any(size (expect) != size (get)))
%!   error ("wrong size: expected %d,%d but got %d,%d", size (expect), size 
%! elseif (any (any (expect!=get)))
%!   error ("didn't get what was expected.");
%! endif

%! a(:,:,1) = [1, 3; 1, 2];
%! a(:,:,2) = [2, 1; 2, 2];
%! b(:,:,1) = [5, 5; 0, 4];
%! b(:,:,2) = [6, 2; 4, 2];
%! c(:,:,1) = [0, 1; 2, 3];
%! c(:,:,2) = [4, 5; 5, 4];
%! expect(:,:,1) = [1, 5; -1, 1];
%! expect(:,:,2) = [1, 3; 1, 1];
%! get = divergence (a, b, c);
%! if (any(size (expect) != size (get)))
%!   error ("wrong size: expected %d,%d but got %d,%d", size (expect), size 
%! elseif (any (any (expect!=get)))
%!   error ("didn't get what was expected.");
%! endif

%! a = rand (3, 3, 3);
%! b = rand (3, 3, 3);
%! c = rand (3, 3, 4);
%!error divergence (a, b, c);

%! a = rand (2, 3);
%! b = rand (2, 3);
%! c = rand (2, 3);
%!error divergence (a, b, c);

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