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Re: proposal for new m-file function

From: Martin Helm
Subject: Re: proposal for new m-file function
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2012 02:23:37 +0100
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Am 24.03.2012 01:25, schrieb Ben Abbott:
On Mar 22, 2012, at 11:16 AM, Ben Abbott wrote:

On Mar 22, 2012, at 10:37 AM, Ben Abbott wrote:

On Mar 22, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Martin Helm wrote:

Am 22.03.2012 13:17, schrieb Ben Abbott:
On Mar 22, 2012, at 6:31 AM, Martin Helm wrote:

Am 22.03.2012 10:43, schrieb Carlo de Falco:

Message: 2
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 20:33:01 -0400
From: Ben Abbott<address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>>
To: octave maintainers mailing list<address@hidden
Subject: proposal for new m-file function
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

A user's question about fixed points piecewise-linear fitting led
to the development of a function looks to be a good fit for
Octave's core.


The idea was to fit a piece-wise polynomial to a set of data.
After some discussion between myself and Martin Helm, the attached
ppfit.m was produced. The name was chosen to match the existing

The function provides a least-squares fit of a 1D interpolation
with specified break positions to a set of data.

Demos and tests are included.

Any concern about adding this to Octave's core ?


googling for the name 'ppfit' I found this function:


which seems to do the same as yours with the additional option of
returning a spline with N continuous derivatives
Would it be possible to add that option to your code?
The license of the linked function looks like BSD so it should be no
problem to get the code from there.
Wouldn't it be much cleaner to add that additional fitting options
(quadratics and higher order splines) to interp1 (without breaking
matlab compatibility of course)?
I think that is the place where such functionality should naturally
live. I could look at it over the weekend and propose a patch for it.
Ok. I'll wait on your changeset.

Is it possible for interp1 to return the available methods and whether the 
underlying interpolants are linear functions ?

What do you have in mind, is something like interp1("methods") which
returns some cellarray for example with the method names and a flag
indicating linear/nonlinear an option?
Something like below?

        [methods, linear] = interp1 ("methods")
I just realized I can easily check if the interpolant is linear by ...

        yi = interp1 (xi, eye (numel (xi)), x, "method");
        s = sum (yi, 2);
        s = s / mean (s);
        if (sqrt (mean (abs (s).^2))<  sqrt (eps))
                islinear = true;

So, I'll only need to have access to the different methods.

        methods =  interp1 ("methods");


I've been giving this more thought ... I'm not sure what you had in mind, but 
after test driving the ppfit.m that Carlo linked to, I'm inclined to;

(1) Rename Jonas Lundgren's ppfit.m to __ppfit__.m and then call it from 
interp1.m and ppfit.m to obtain the piecewise-polynomials for a specified order.

(2) Modify interp1.m to allow the method to be specified by "linear", "nearest", "spline", 
"cubic", "pchip", or numeric value which would be interpreted as the order of polynomial used as the 
interpolant. Thus, y1 and y2 below would be equivalent.

        y1 = interp1(xb, yb, x, n);

        pp = __pfit__ (xb, yb, xb, n);
        y2 = ppval (pp, x);

(3) Modify my ppfit.m to accept the same methods as interp1.m (trivial). I'd 
also like to support __ppfit__() as it is. Thus, pp1 and pp2 below would be 

        pp1 = __ppfit __(x, y, xb, n);

        pp2 = ppfit (x, y, xb, method, weights, "global");

Thoughts ?


I found today some time to test the ppfit function from JonasLundgren myself and came more and more to the conclusion that I cannot beat it - not even the way it can handle the pure interpolation which is included in his function as a subset of its features, while working myself through some algorithms for higher order splines. The way his implementation handles and constructs the basis for the splines is very clever.
I fully agree that what you propose is the best solution.
What I had myself in mind does not even come near to it.

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