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Re: redesign of GUI event handling

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: redesign of GUI event handling
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2012 04:01:10 -0500
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On 09/19/2012 02:44 AM, Jacob Dawid wrote:

        The patch is for GUI items signals and slots, i.e., the file
        editor tab being notified directly by the _main_window using a
        signal rather than having to go through the file editor which
        then distributes the notification to the file tabs.  Saves a
        small hunk of code.

I am sorry, I got a bit confused, since you seemed to response to jwe's
email with the subject "redesign of GUI event handling", which is a
different topic.

I spoke about that on IRC and I saw that people are convinced that
dynamic_casts are an evil thing per se, though to be honest I would not
apply the patch.

It depends. Sometimes there is a level of abstraction of container classes and so on. But still, it seems to me that once one has to do casting (and the GUI system is well designed) then one could be stepping slightly outside the intended paradigm.

Consider this example:

      file_editor_tab *fileEditorTab
        = dynamic_cast <file_editor_tab*> (_tab_widget->widget (i));
      if (fileEditorTab)
        fileEditorTab->notice_settings ();

Casting the pointer upward and then calling notice_settings is ostensibly the concept of a virtual function. That is, if notice_settings() were a virtual function in QWidget, then there'd be no need to cast upward. Of course, we can't add such a function to QWidget. So that's a no go.

Distributing notice_settings as above isn't real bad, but its drawback is that it is very coding dependent. That is, imagine if one were to create a project builder that lays out windows and the interconnects. For an application like that, manually coding the distribution of functions isn't generic enough, even though that approach may have been something a GUI designer would have done in the nascent age of OOP and C++. Instead, I imagine a way to go about it is to build a table consisting of the signal and slot definitions and then let the designer fill in the code for the slots.

I'll make a suggestion below.

 The reason is the following: Every Qt object that works
with signals and slots is a QObject. The hierarchy is:

QObject -> QWidget -> QFileEditorTab

It is considered bad design (in Qt) to send information in signals about
the sender,

Is that too much like the callback-function paradigm? I suppose so. One can remove passing "this" as part of the signal. Shouldn't be a problem.

 but there is a "trick" to gather that information:
QObject->sender() will query the meta object layer to find out who
invoked the slot. So I could also downcast the QWidget with the same
effect, saving the dynamic_cast and not changing the signal to what is
considered bad design. The reason I do the dynamic_cast is to query RTTI
to see whether the object invoking the slot is really appropriate for
that kind of operation I am doing. In fact, i am downcasting
QFileEditorTab implicitly to QWidget afterwards.

Also, the notice settings signal is a signal that will be emitted on a
change of settings (ie. in the settings dialog). The file editor
receives that signal and distributes it to the editor tabs. If you
remove that, the changing fonts and other settings on the editor should
not have any effect anymore.

OK, I thought that went through the _main_window only.

I think there are a couple ways one can go with this that avoids the dynamic cast and distributing calls, both of which involve connecting the slots of the file_tab_editor:

1) Set up the signals/slots of file_tab_editors to both the _main_window and to the settings dialog, thereby bypassing the file_editor object.


2) Set up the signals/slots of the file_tab_editors connecting with the file_editor so that when file_editor gets it signal to handle notice_settings it can simply turn around and emit a signal to the file_editor_tabs.

Let me think about the second approach; that one sounds about right for the Qt paradigm and the layout you've created. I'll update the patch at some point in the next few days.

Thanks Jacob,


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