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Re: MATLAB 5.3.1 (1999) and latest Octave math discrepancy ..

From: Stephen Montgomery-Smith
Subject: Re: MATLAB 5.3.1 (1999) and latest Octave math discrepancy ..
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 23:13:44 -0500
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First, it is very likely that the equation you are solving is sensitive
to floating point errors.  That is to say, a small numerical difference
(maybe in the last bit of the mantissa) might later on be greatly
exaggerated.  This is a well known phenomenon in solving ordinary
differential equations (ODE), and it would be hard to say which, if any,
is giving the correct answer - MATLAB or octave.  Another equation which
illustrates this more profoundly is the famous Lorenz attractor

Secondly, your method of solving the (ODE) appears to be the so called
Euler Method http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_method.  It is well
known to be rather inaccurate (hence your need for a very small time
step).  Both octave and matlab have much more sophisticated ODE solvers,
called lsode and ode45 respectively.  Or if you want to write your own
solver, I would suggest the Runge-Kutta Method of order 4 with a fixed
step size http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Runge-KuttaMethod.html.  It is
actually fairly straightforward to program, and it will give far more
accurate answers than your program.

On 03/22/2013 07:27 PM, Will Flannery wrote:
> I have no problem showing the code.   First I'll describe what it does.
> The program simulates the Juno space probe ... the probe is launched from a
> low earth satellite orbit and goes into a 2 year orbit around the sun, after
> 2 years it returns to earth, trailing it by just a bit, and earth's
> gravitational field pulls it, increasing it's velocity so that it breaks its
> 2 year orbit and is 'slingshot' toward Jupiter.  You can see a simulation
> here ...
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYp5p2oL51g
> The program computes the gravitational forces of the earth and the sun on
> the probe, resolves them into x and y components, an projects them over 2
> second subintervals, it does the same thing for the earth's orbit around the
> sun.
> I did the program a long time ago using MATLAB, and just downloaded
> Octave3.6.2gcc4.6.2 a few days ago.  I cut and pasted the program into
> Octave and it ran no problem.
> The thing looks good until the probe returns to earth, and there the earth's
> gravity takes over, and the differences in the graphs, unnoticeable to this
> point, get magnified greatly by earth's gravity and the trajectories diverge
> significantly.
> The code - for some reason way back when, when I was trying to get this
> thing to work, I broke the code into two scripts, which I have preserved
> just because I don't want to change anything.  I ran it with MATLAB and got
> the result shown.
> Note - the program can't store every state value for graphing, as it
> requires too much storate, so it stores the state every 2000 iterations. 
> This produces a lot of unessential code.
> The main program ... 
> _______________________  Orbit11  ____________________________
> clear
> G=6.7e-11;
> mSun = 1.9e30;   
> rEarthOrbit = 150e9;
> rSun=695500000;
> mEarth = 5.9742e24;   
> rEarth = 6.378e6;
> dt=2;
> N=3*365*60*60*24 / dt
> M=2000;
> I=N/M+1;
> Ii=1;
> XE=zeros(I,1); YE=zeros(I,1); %VXE=zeros(I,1); VYE=zeros(I,1);
> XP=zeros(I,1); YP=zeros(I,1); %VYP=zeros(I,1); VYP=zeros(I,1); 
> RPE=zeros(I,1);VP=zeros(I,1);
> rPEmin=200000;
> rPE(1)=rPEmin;
> t1=0; T(1)=0;
> % set launch parameters for a earth orbit
> xE1=rEarthOrbit; XE(1)=xE1;         % starting x coordinate
> vxE1=0; vXE(1)=vxE1;            % starting x velocity
> yE1=0;  yE(1)=yE1;          %2*rEarthOrbit*pi/(365*60*60*24)
> vyE1=28500;  vYE(1)=vyE1;               % starting y velocity
> % set launch parameters for probe 
> xP1=rEarthOrbit + rEarth + 200000;  XP(1)=xP1;        
> vxP1=0;   vXP(1)=vxP1;       
> yP1=0;  yP(1)=yP1;
> LV=5265;  % 5260 gives slingshot with collision  
> vyP1=28500 + LV;  vYP(1)=vyP1; vP(1)=vyP1;   % earth's velocity + launch
> velocity
> Orbit11b
> length(XP)
> I2=30400;
> I1=30100;
> plot(XP,YP,'r')                         % plot the probe's orbit
> hold on
> plot(XE,YE)                         % plot the earth's orbit
> __________ Orbit11b __________________
> for i=1:N
>    % project the earth's orbit
>    t2 = t1+ dt;
>    xE2=xE1+vxE1*dt;        % project x position
>    yE2=yE1+vyE1*dt;        % project y position
>    % resolve the earth sun gravity vector
>    rE = sqrt(xE1^2 + yE1^2); % compute rE
>    g = -G*mSun/rE^2;             % compute gravity magnitude
>    ctheta = xE1/rE;             % compute cos theta
>    stheta = yE1/rE;             % compute sin theta
>    % now we're ready to project velocity
>    vxE2= vxE1+ g*ctheta*dt;  % project x velocity
>    vyE2 = vyE1+ g*stheta*dt;  % project y velocity
>    % project the probe's orbit
>    xP2=xP1+vxP1*dt;        % project x position
>    yP2=yP1+vyP1*dt;        % project y position
>    % resolve the probe sun gravity vector
>    rP = sqrt(xP1^2 + yP1^2); % compute rP
>    g = -G*mSun/rP^2;             % compute gravity magnitude
>    ctheta = xP1/rP;             % compute cos theta
>    stheta = yP1/rP;             % compute sin theta
>    % resolve the probe earth gravity vector
>    xPE = xP1 - xE1;
>    yPE = yP1 - yE1;
>    rPE = sqrt((xPE^2 + yPE)^2); % compute rPE
>    gE = -G*mEarth/rPE^2;             % compute gravity magnitude
>    comega = xPE/rPE;             % compute cos theta
>    somega = yPE/rPE;             % compute sin theta
>    % now we're ready to project velocity
>    vxP2 = vxP1+ (g*ctheta + gE*comega)*dt;  % project x velocity
>    vyP2 = vyP1+ (g*stheta + gE*somega)*dt;  % project y velocity
>    if mod(i,M)== 0        
>       Ii=Ii+1;
>       Ii*M*dt/(60*60*24)
>       XP(Ii)= xP2;
>       %VXP(Ii)= vxP2;
>       YP(Ii)= yP2;
>       %VYP(Ii)= vyP2;
>       XE(Ii)= xE2;
>       %VXE(Ii)= vxE2;
>       YE(Ii)= yE2;
>       %VYE(Ii)= vyE2;
>       VP(Ii)=sqrt(vxP2^2+vyP2^2);
>       RPE(Ii)=rPEmin;
>       rPEmin=rPE;
>       end
>    if(rPE<rPEmin)rPEmin=rPE;
>    end
>    t1=t2;
>    xP1=xP2;
>    vxP1=vxP2;
>    yP1=yP2;
>    vyP1=vyP2;
>    xE1=xE2;
>    vxE1=vxE2;
>    yE1=yE2;
>    vyE1=vyE2;
>   _____________________________________ 
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://octave.1599824.n4.nabble.com/MATLAB-5-3-1-1999-and-latest-Octave-math-discrepancy-tp4651123p4651130.html
> Sent from the Octave - Maintainers mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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