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Re: Terminal view alignment at bottom might be better

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: Terminal view alignment at bottom might be better
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 23:38:10 -0500
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On 06/22/2013 08:09 PM, Ben Abbott wrote:
On Jun 23, 2013, at 3:21 AM, Daniel J Sebald wrote:
I suppose there are two ways to address this:

1) Allow alignment at the top left, but make sure there is no fractional line 
at the bottom.  Instead, allow there to be a fractional line of white space at 
the bottom.

2) Alignment at the bottom left, which means that the top of the terminal 
window is where there will be a fractional line.

I kind of prefer the second behavior for the reasons that the top of the window 
isn't where the user's eyes are drawn when typing and also a fractional line at 
the top does give the impression that the text is scrolling upward and there 
might be additional lines scrolled past the top of the window.


Maybe a 3rd?

3) Snap the command window height to an integer number of lines?

Don't most (all?) terminal windows work that way?


I suppose that is possible. I don't think we could snap the outer limits of the terminal window because that is embedded in the dock aligned with other windows. The inner limits perhaps.


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