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Re: extra head

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: extra head
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 17:26:34 -0500
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On 08/16/2013 05:07 PM, Daniel J Sebald wrote:
I'm wondering if the clean that Ben is using

hg update -C @

is something that shouldn't be done with bookmarks. I think what might
have happened is that Ben updated his repository and working copy to the
latest. Made some changes and pushed that. But in between someone might
have pushed some items and moved the @ bookmark. (Or an equally
plausible scenario is that Ben pulled from the repository when the
bookmark wasn't pointing at the most recent code.) Perhaps somehow the
-C clean is detaching Ben's @ bookmark from the @ bookmark in the
default branch (which has been repositioned). Hence the complaint:

divergent bookmark @ stored as @default

I wonder if without the -C option mercurial would have successfully
tracked the bookmark movement, merged then discard the temporary branch.

Nah, that doesn't make sense. I don't think I'm understanding that right. Nothing in Ben's script should be a problem.


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