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Fwd: bug #39257: handles to nested functions are not yet supported

From: Sascha Suessspeck
Subject: Fwd: bug #39257: handles to nested functions are not yet supported
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2016 02:50:10 +0100

Hi John,

You have all gone quite, so I started to pick up a Linux system with the aim to cross-build Octave for Windows. As I understand, I need to build Octave (patched) on Linux first and move the dist archive of the running version to the appropriate folder in octave-mxe. If you could confirm my understanding of the above that would be great.

Since I am short of disk storage and would like to compile without debugging symbols, I wonder what the prefix is I should be using in order to achieve this. I tried following the installation guide using make CFLAGS=-O CXXFLAGS=-O LDFLAGS= which returns "g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-0' ". Any working suggestions to reduce disk storage to unpack and compile from source please?

Thanks again,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sascha Suessspeck <address@hidden>
Date: 9 December 2016 at 01:21
Subject: bug #39257: handles to nested functions are not yet supported
To: "John W. Eaton" <address@hidden>
Cc: address@hidden

John et al.,

All what I am trying to do is to get hands on a version with the patch for the above bug suggested on the website under the following link: https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?39257 .

The patched files for the octave-4.2.0 source code are attached. This might be a big ask for most of the Octave maintainers in this list. But perhaps someone might be able to leverage an existing setup for a cross-build, i.e. building Octave for Windows.

Thanks in advance for your kind consideration.

Best wishes,


Attachment: bug #39257_patched_files_octave-4.2.0.zip
Description: Zip archive

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