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RE: octave forge pkg states

From: JohnD
Subject: RE: octave forge pkg states
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2018 14:31:14 -0400

> -----Original Message-----
> From: JohnD [mailto:address@hidden
> Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2018 5:24 PM
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: octave forge pkg states
> Just for info,
> I just ran through most of the packages on octave forge, trying to install
> them on my fedora box with octave 4.4
> The result of just trying to install them (after installing their
> dependencies) is below. Where a package wouldn't install from octave
> I also tried the latest code of the repo, and where that also failed,
> to identify (or create) a bug report.
> In general packages were installed as pkg install -verbose -forge -nodeps
(cut) --

As an update for any interested, and in a perhaps easier way to read and
injest, attempting to install the current forge packages in linux (octave
4.4.0) and ignoring warnings, I get the following package failures:

* communications 1.2.1  - the repo code also fails

* fuzzy logic toolkit 0.4.5 - the repo code did allow installing ok

* linear-algebra 2.2.2 - the repo code did allow installed OK

* lssa 0.1.2 -  the repo code did allow installed OK

* ocs  0.1.5 - sourceforge repo code also failed, but dev repo elsewhere is

* parallel 3.1.1 - repo code did allow installed OK

secs2d  0.0.8 - secsXXX is one repo now, but not working

Packages not tested:

* fem-fenics 0.0.5 - had a number of dependencies that I couldn't get all

* mpi 1.2.0 - I did not have mpic++ installed

If not listed above, then it installed ok.

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