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[Openexr-devel] exchanging exr's

From: Ken McGaugh
Subject: [Openexr-devel] exchanging exr's
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 10:33:03 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031007

Hello all,

We have recently shifted most of our pipeline (both 3D and 2D) to OpenEXR
format, and we will soon be sending exr's to Cinesite UK for filmout.
Keven Wheatly from Cinesite and I have worked out a spec for exchanging
these exr's, but we hope this can become a standard.  Below is the the
proposed spec, and we would appreciate comments and suggestions.



We propose methology for the interchange of OpenEXR images between
Visual Effects and film scanning/recording facilities.  Currently
most facilities transfer images as either cineon or dpx files, with
the pixel values representing print density.  So we propose several
new standard header attributes which will describe the transform
between the linear values in the exr image and a film print density.
We prefix all the attributes with "pdx", which stands for Print Density

All the attributes are of type V3fAttribute and are listed below
with the default values to be assumed if the attribute is not
present in the file.

    pdxBlackPoint            = {0, 0, 0}
    pdxWhiteReference        = {685, 685, 685}
    pdxNegativeGamma         = {0.6, 0.6, 0.6}
    pdxDensityPerCodeValue   = {0.002, 0.002, 0.002}

Together these attributes define 3 1-dimensional transforms, one
for each color channel.  To do the math for one color channel, we
need to define some values:

    xLin = linear pixel value (ie. from exr)
    xLog = log pixel value (ie. print density)

We also need to precompute what the pdxBlackPoint value would
be after converted into linear:

    blackLin = pow( 10, (pdxBlackPoint-pdxWhiteReference) *
        pdxDensityPerCodeValue/pdxNegativeGamma )

Then the math to convert per-channel pixel values would look like:

    Log to Lin

    xLin = pow( 10, (xLog - pdxWhiteReference) *
        pdxDensityPerCodeValue/pdxNegativeGamma );
    if ( pdxBlackPoint != 0.0 )
        xLin = 1 - (1 - xLin)/(1 - blackLin)

    Lin to Log

    if ( pdxBlackPoint != 0.0 )
        xLin = blackLin + (1 - blackLin)*xLin
    xLog = pdxWhiteReference + log10( xLin )*siftGamma/siftStep

The above math is very similar to that described by the Kodak
technical documentation.  The only difference is that we treat
a pdxBlackPoint of 0 to be a special case where the linear black point
remapping is omitted.

Additionally, if either of the matrix attributes


are found, the pixel's color is to be transformed by them.  The pdxLinMatrix
should transform the linear pixel color before being converted to log.
The pdxLogMatrix should transform the log pixel color after being converted.
If converting from log to lin, the inverses of these matrices should be used.
If a matrix is 4x4 instead of 3x3, treat the color as a 4-tuple with the
last component equal to one.

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