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Re: [Openexr-devel] ImathTest failures

From: Darrin Cardani
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] ImathTest failures
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 16:53:55 -0500

At 2:38 PM -0700 8/20/04, Brian Willoughby wrote:
Mac OS X has a floor() function of its own. Why not use that instead of trying to get the supplied source version to work? There may also be an inline processor opcode version that would be very fast, I'll look in ppc_intrinsics.h and see if there is anything there.

I'm not building the OS X version. I'm building the Windows version, but I'm doing the build in CodeWarrior on Mac OS X. I build all my Windows software using CodeWarrior on Mac OS because I find the environment easier to work in. (Plus, I already paid for the Windows compiler that came with CodeWarrior, why purchase another one!)

I'd imagine that Windows also has its own floor () function, too. But the EXR code assumes it's using the supplied version, and I'm not comfortable overriding it without knowing how it's used everywhere.

Darrin Cardani - address@hidden
President, Buena Software, Inc.
Video, Image and Audio Processing Development

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