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Re: [Openexr-devel] Adobe's Digital Negative Format

From: Drew Hess
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] Adobe's Digital Negative Format
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 12:32:04 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) XEmacs/21.4 (Security Through Obscurity, linux)

Chris, any chance that Adobe will make a reference DNG software
implementation available, ala libtiff?


Chris Cox <address@hidden> writes:

> At 1:09 PM -0600 9/27/04, Derek Gerstmann wrote:
>>Chris Cox wrote:
>>>>Wouldn't an open standard such as OpenEXR be a better choice?
>>>No, OpenEXR is the wrong thing for camera RAW files.
>>Thanks for clearing this up, and directing me to the documentation.
>>I freely admit that I know very little about DNG, and this is what
>>motivated my post, in hopes that someone could explain its need.
>>Thanks for the detailed summary and explanation.
>>The other point that I was interested in exploring was how feasible
>>it would be to simply extend the hdr encoding capabilities of OpenEXR
>>to provide the functionality needed for storing RAW files.
> It is feasible, sure.   But if you know the address@hidden that goes into
> processing RAW files, you probably wouldn't think it was worth the
> time and effort.
> Supporting camera RAW files is probably a larger task than supporting
> all of OpenEXR right now.
>>Thanks to Florean for pursuing this train of thought:
>>>  Of course, I would prefer it if digital cameras could directly output
>>>  OpenEXR files, performing a high-quality conversion inside the camera.
>>>  I guess someone should contact digital manufacturers.  Users demanding
>>>  OpenEXR output would probably be most effective.
>>I agree. It would be really nifty for the camera itself to take
>>multiple exposures and convert the RAW data into an OpenEXR
>>HDR representation all by itself.
> Unfortunately, that would take quite a bit of intelligence inside the
> camera.   You have to remember that the CPU in cameras are very
> simple, and relatively slow.   Think about how long it takes your
> desktop CPU to convert multiple exposures to HDR -- then multiply that
> by 20 or more, and that's about how long your camera would take.
> For the time being, I'd rather do multiple exposure conversion as a
> post process.
> Of course, in the long run I'd like to see cameras capture HDR
> information directly.
> There is some promising research going on....
> Chris
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