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Re: [Openexr-devel] Stereo (multi-view) pipeline

From: Peter Hillman
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] Stereo (multi-view) pipeline
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2013 18:00:11 +1200
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Hi Ton,

There was some discussion about the positioning of the 'views' name part when developing the multiview EXR standard. As you say, there's little difference from a developer point of view.

It seemed to us nicer that an alphabetical list of channels shows layers and passes first. It's easier to navigate that channel list to select individual passes. Arguably, the fact there are multiple views of a pass in an EXR is only as interesting to the artists as that it contains R,G,B,A channels. Conceptually, the image contains "stereo layers and passes" rather than two separate sets of layers and passes, one for each view. Now that the standard is more widely adopted this isn't so much of a consideration, but was handy in the days that there were packages that could handle multiple layers in an EXR but didn't understand the multiview extensions.

From an efficiency point of view, EXR stores channel data in alphabetical order by channel name. Since stereo views of the same pass are often almost identical, storing them adjacently may well help compression and give a smaller file. However, we didn't really extensive testing of this with typical imagery.

It would be worth looking at the EXR-2.0 code base (currently the develop branch on github) for stereo images too: that doesn't store the view in the channel name, instead storing it in the part's 'view' attribute. ImfPartHelper.h generates correct multiview channel names and recommended part assignments for both (EXR-2.0) and single part (EXR-1.7.X compatible) multiview EXRs, so you should be able to handle both versions with very little extra code.


On 04/09/2013 12:29 AM, Ton Roosendaal wrote:
Hi all,

There's a project in Blender to get (at last ;) good stereo support integrated 
for the render/composite/display pipeline.

Obviously we'll try to align well to the proposed OpenEXR spec of it.

My question is why the authors proposed to insert the view 'layers' on the 
lowest level in the structure. Was this for compatibility, or other reasons?

In Blender internally, we use a list of "render layers" with a list of "passes" 
which each have the channel buffers. The paper proposes to then add views as follows:

    render_result -> layers -> passes -> views -> channels

An other way would be to move views to the top level:

    render_result -> views -> layers -> passes -> channels

It probably doesn't matter much (exr file read can map to how we store it 
internally), but I'd be very interested to hear if there's people here who did 
a stereo migration for their pipelines and can share some experience.



Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation   address@hidden
Blender Institute   Entrepotdok 57A  1018AD Amsterdam   The Netherlands

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