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Re: [Openexr-devel] OpenEXR plug-in for GIMP

From: Felix Ulber
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] OpenEXR plug-in for GIMP
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 10:09:06 +0200
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Hi there,
I also in the process of writing an OpenEXR loader for Gimp/GEGL. In the current development version there is already a simple one, but comming from the CGI corner working with EXR files as textures as well as an advanced output format, for me things like layers, handling how alpha channels get loaded in, special channels (e.g. Z-depth), compression on save etc. are ihmo essential to be supported. This also means some option dialogs on load/save.
The GIMP community plans, that all GIMP stuff, i.e. filters, loaders and so on should completely be migrated to GEGL. Unfortunately, in the current version GEGL does not support multi-Layer file loaders, so for now this would have to be done the "old-school" way in form of a gimp plug-in. Maybe its possible to create an abstraction that makes it possible to be used without much changes once GEGL supports multi-layer loaders.

And yes, it is possible to use C++. There are some opensource Gimp Plugins writen in C++:

As I am not a student anymore so unfortunately my "time-resources" are limited. I did not get further than planning work yet (and fixing some of the existing loaders code). So maybe we can work together. Is this already accepted as a GOSC project?

You should also subscribe to the Gimp and GEGL developer mailing lists, and a good possibility to directly get in touch with the developers is the IRC channel(s).


Am 10.04.2013 18:55, schrieb Sashi Kumar:
Yes, GIMP can now support HDR since Goat Invasion ( GIMP now depend on Generic Graphics Library (GEGL).
I will start working on the plug-in and I guess you guys will help me! :)

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