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[palito-dev] graphic engine

From: barrett
Subject: [palito-dev] graphic engine
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 09:41:57 -0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

While I'm focused on the game engine, and mainly to finish the translation
to the client/server model, let's think a bit on the future of the palito
graphic engine.

Looks like it's not going to be worthy to continue with the multi-platform
flush backends. Too much trouble for little advantages (hardware accelerated
lines on old 2D cards).

So we'll probably discontinue the X11 and Win32 backends, and work with
SDL only (afterall it works on Windows and many other systems anyway).

On the other hand, there is the possibility that we'll end up going full 3D
with OpenGL.  That said, is it worthy to continue to improve the current
graphic engine AND palito visuals (units, effects, user interface)?
Some may be adapted, but many (including all the units) will have to be
re-written for OpenGL.

The downside is that the conversion to 3D may take a long time to happen,
(a long time to start, and another long time to take place) and we'll be
stuck with the current state of the graphic engine.



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