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[Pan-users] Great job on the speed improvements in the 0.13.3 betas!

From: Duncan
Subject: [Pan-users] Great job on the speed improvements in the 0.13.3 betas!
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2002 04:10:43 -0700
User-agent: KMail/1.5

I haven't seen this mentioned yet, so I thought I'd bring it up.  The speed 
improvements in the current betas, saving attachments, especially, are so 
great as to be a night and day difference!  The first few times I tried 
saving a series, after came out, I literally thought I'd hit the 
hotkey combo wrong or something, and had to dig out my file system browser 
and actually go verify the files had been saved!  I'd just decided the slow 
performance was an artifact of the decoding, and my choice of ReiserFS.  Now, 
I know it was PAN, because it seems to save a whole 100-ish series as fast as 
it formerly saved just the FIRST of the series.  I've noticed it doesn't eat 
CPU cycles while saving as it did b4, either.

I still have trouble believing that much performance gain was possible in a 
single beta release.  The only draw-back I've noted is that occasionally the 
display doesn't actually list them as all saved, even if they are.  It's as 
if it is saving them so fast, now, the display thread doesn't have time to 
update the visual status, and when the actual save thread returns before the 
visual thread is finished updating, the visual thread simply says screw it 
and forgets about completing it's job.

Still, I'll definitely take the speed over making sure every last message gets 
its status icon changed anyway. However, it WOULD be nice to fix that display 
bug b4 stable, as long as it doesn't mean giving up all that speed we just 
gained in the process.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --
Benjamin Franklin

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