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[Pan-users] ANN: Pan 0.13.3 "That Cat's Something I Can't Explain"

From: Charles Kerr
Subject: [Pan-users] ANN: Pan 0.13.3 "That Cat's Something I Can't Explain"
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2002 22:11:15 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.20i

As always, the tarballs are up now, the RPMs will be put online
as they're contributed, and I'll announce to freshmeat et al
after a few RPMs roll in.

Happy New Year!


        Dec 30, 2002 - New Release:                                      
        0.13.3 - "That cat's something I can't explain"                                
        What is Pan?                                                     
          Pan is a newsreader which attempts to be pleasing to both new  
          and experienced users. In addition to the standard newsreader  
          features, Pan also supports yEnc, offline newsreading, article 
          filtering, multiple connections, and more features for power   
          users and alt.binaries fans.                                   
          It's also the only Unix newsreader to get a perfect score on   
          the Good Net-Keeping Seal of Approval evaluations.             
        About 0.13.3                                                     
          This release contains a huge list of bugfixes, a few big       
          speedups, and a handful of usability improvements.             
          There have been four betas since the last stable release to    
          shake out any new bugs caused by all these changes.            
        Changes since 0.13.2                                             
                                   New Features                          
          | #101013  | Added a Preferences option to start Pan in      | 
          | Maurizio | offline mode.                                   | 
          | Pan Team  | Faster startup time, particularly when the     | 
          |           | article cache is large.                        | 
          | Pan Team  | Faster refreshes in the header and group       | 
          |           | panes.                                         | 
          | Duncan    | Pan now retains custom accelerator keys        | 
          |           | (shortcuts) between sessions.                  | 
          | #100695   | The status bar now shows the queued articles'  | 
          | Bobby D.  | subject header, rather than its Message-ID or  | 
          | Bryant    | "downloading 1 articles"                       | 
          | #97778    | Made duplicate saved attachments easier to     | 
          | Jerry     | grep for.                                      | 
          | Segers    |                                                | 
          | #94863    | Changed Subject sorting for better grouping in | 
          | Chris     | binaries groups.                               | 
          | Petersen  |                                                | 
          | #101242   | Server connection settings now take effect as  | 
          | Pan Team  | soon as the `Pan: Edit Server' dialog is       | 
          |           | closed.                                        | 
          | #100538   |                                                | 
          | Brandon   | SGI portability patches.                       | 
          | Corey     |                                                | 
          | #99716    | Fixed GUI blooper that let the user turn off   | 
          | Pan Team  | all the panes in the main window, leaving an   | 
          |           | empty window.                                  | 
          |           | Added support in config.xml for tweaking the   | 
          | #87553    | toolbar's appearance:                          | 
          | Kang      |                                                | 
          | Jeong-Hee |   * /Pan/Display/toolbar_visible               | 
          |           |   * /Pan/Display/toolbar_labels_visible        | 
          | #93713    | Reordered the group popup menu to make the     | 
          | Gollum    | delete buttons less likely to be clicked by    | 
          |           | accident.                                      | 
          | Pan Team  | Added more error checking and logging when     | 
          |           | spawning new threads.                          | 
                                    Bug Fixes                            
          | #97527          | Fixed a serious 0.13.1 memory leak, and  | 
          | Don Horsman     | cache overflow, caused by the  | 
          |                 | Task Manager window.                     | 
          |                 | Fixed 0.13.1 bug that crashed Pan if an  | 
          | #101247         | `Edit Servers' dialog was still open     | 
          | Pan Team        | when the user closed the `Servers'       | 
          |                 | dialog.                                  | 
          | #99873          | Fixed 0.13.2 bug that crashed pan when   | 
          | Jens Petersen   | sending mail with non-default charsets   | 
          |                 | in the Japanese locale.                  | 
          | #91536          | Fixed 0.13.0 bug that crashed pan when   | 
          | Jean-Marc       | reading some messages on 64-bit          | 
          |                 | architectures.                           | 
          |                 | Fixed 0.12.0 bug that crashed Pan when   | 
          | #100605         | the user closed the main preferences     | 
          | Bo Flynn        | window while the font or color           | 
          |                 | sub-windows were still open.             | 
          | #85153          | Fixed crash that occurred when changing  | 
          | Carl Hudkins    | groups or exiting Pan while the header   | 
          |                 | pane is being refreshed.                 | 
          | #99095          | Fixed a race condition that could cause  | 
          | Pan Team        | Pan to crash on startup when the         | 
          |                 | ``restore tasks?'' dialog appeared.      | 
          |                 | Fixed a nasty little memory corruption   | 
          | Valgrind        | bug in Pan's status bars and a           | 
          |                 | half-dozen small memory leaks.           | 
          | #100904         | Fixed bug that caused Pan to forget the  | 
          | James Brost     | default News profile.                    | 
          | #97710          | Fixed bug that displayed the incorrect   | 
          | Will Robinson   | time/date in the header pane.            | 
          |                 | Fixed 0.13.1 bug that caused failed      | 
          | Bobby D. Bryant | tasks to be removed from the Task        | 
          |                 | Manager, regardless of the user's        | 
          |                 | preferences setting.                     | 
          | #89435          | Fixed 0.13.0 bug that made it impossible | 
          | Bas Mevissen    | to mark one's own posts as read.         | 
          |                 | Fixed race condition where two `save     | 
          | #100611         | attachment' tasks could both try to      | 
          | Pan Team        | create the target directory at the same  | 
          |                 | time, causing one to fail with `cannot   | 
          |                 | create: file exists'.                    | 
          | Chill           | Fixed 0.13.1 bug that broke the          | 
          |                 | Supersede function.                      | 
          | #100870         | Fixed bug that could cause the cache     | 
          | Pan Team        | size to grow too large.                  | 
          | #99485          | Fixed bug which caused follow-ups to     | 
          | Marc Geerlings  | fail in some very long threads.          | 
          |                 | Fixed bug didn't save article bodies if  | 
          | #99218          | both `save attachments' and `save body'  | 
          | Sid Cowles      | were checked and the article had no      | 
          |                 | attachments.                             | 
          | #93894          | Fixed a bug that corrupted the multipart | 
          | Gollum          | states of some articles.                 | 
          | #101074         | Fixed bug that corrupted some headers in | 
          | Pan Team        | `show-all-headers' mode.                 | 
          | #101043         | Fixed charset sanity checking in replies | 
          | Pan Team        | and new posts.                           | 
          |                 | Fixed space-key-reading bug where Pan    | 
          | #91365          | could jump to the next article before    | 
          | Arcterex        | the bottom page of the current article   | 
          |                 | was shown.                               | 
          | #89281          | Fixed bug that broke space reading on    | 
          | Christian       | articles whose subjects contained 8bit   | 
          | Lohmaier        | data.                                    | 
          | Pan Team        | Fixed bug that broke the bozo and spam   | 
          |                 | filters on 8bit data.                    | 
          | #90970          | Fixed refresh bug that caused Pan to     | 
          | Johan           | disconcertingly deselect the current     | 
          |                 | group and reselect the previous group.   | 
          |                 | Handle slightly-broken Message-ID        | 
          | #98424          | headers more gracefully. Message-IDs     | 
          | Pan Team        | with trailing spaces broke space reading | 
          |                 | in 0.13.0.                               | 
          | #98463          | Handle broken content-type headers more  | 
          | Martin Schrode  | gracefully. If the content-type can't be | 
          |                 | parsed, assume plaintext.                | 
          |                 | Fixed bug that tricked Pan into thinking | 
          | #67554          | a text message was a uuencoded message   | 
          | Marcin Wojtczuk | by starting the message with a uu begin  | 
          |                 | line.                                    | 
          | #93169          | Added the `red x' icon back to the       | 
          | Leonard Nutley  | header pane for articles whose download  | 
          |                 | attempts have failed.                    | 
          | #90378          | Fixed minor display bug in the header    | 
          | Wendell Dingus  | pane which sometimes hid the sorting '+' | 
          |                 | or '-' in the column header.             | 
          | #97882          | The header pane now updates itself to    | 
          | Martin Tomasek  | match the gtk2 theme's colors when the   | 
          |                 | desktop's gtk2 theme changes.            | 
          | Tom F           | Fixed obsolete web link in the new user  | 
          |                 | dialog.                                  | 

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