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Re: [OT][Pan-users] posted time anomaly

From: .b e.
Subject: Re: [OT][Pan-users] posted time anomaly
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 05:42:02 +0000

        Does your system know which time your hardware clock is set to?  Other
info you posted leads me to think that it does not.

mandrake uses /etc/sysconfig/clock
which stores what the hardware clock is set to

that /etc/localtime is a symlink to whichever time zone you're in.  In my
case, this is /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Eastern, and my BIOS clock is set to

this is similar in mandrake

GMT.  There's another setting in /etc/rc.conf that deals with whether the
BIOS is set to GMT or local time.

        Does Mandrake have similar files?  If not, there's probably a cute
graphical widget somewhere that controls it.  ;)

yep there are too many graphical widgets, but they are all reading the same configuration info and the system is reporting the time correctly with the date command (even vmware corrects windows time)

so unlike dual booting systems where windows gets it wrong, running windows in vmware will get it right, albeit with the hardware clock set to a timezone half a planet away. BUT pan records the time of a post incorrectly;

Sun, 14 Dec 2003 18:40:04 +1300

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