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Re: [Pan-users] Segfaults from recent pan2.git [crap, NOTSOLVED]

From: Duncan
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Segfaults from recent pan2.git [crap, NOTSOLVED]
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 03:03:43 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.140 (Chocolate Salty Balls; GIT 7ca9c6c /usr/src/portage/src/egit-src/pan2)

walt posted on Mon, 17 Feb 2014 18:31:29 -0800 as excerpted:

> A few minutes after I posted, pan segfaulted again with the usual
> backtrace involving gnutls, so I'll start over.  But there were no
> asserts involving g_object_ref/unref, so maybe there are two separate
> bugs?  Dunno.


I haven't done anything but report it to the pan-dev list/group (no 
backtraces, etc, but I /did/ isolate the problem in the post), but I came 
across a post that triggered a pan crash here.  Did you see that report 
from 22 January to the dev list, obviously from me:

Subject: Reporting a crash-trigger post

The crash-trigger post was, in turn, on the gmane server (, 
so it should be verifiable by all.  Here's the IDing info from the above 
post for it, with the from and message-id broken up at the @ in ordered 
to keep gmane's email address encryption from destroying them:

From: "toyota company" <roseline.sec6 @>
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.file-systems.btrfs
Subject: =?utf-8?B?b3BlbiB0aGUgYXR0YWNobWVudCBlbmNsb3Nl?=
Date: 21 Jan 2014 09:24:46 -0000
Message-ID: <20140121092446.14189.qmail @>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
X-Trace: 1390297891 1893 (21 Jan 2014 
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 09:51:31 +0000 (UTC)
Xref: gmane.comp.file-systems.btrfs:31884
Archived-At: <

As I analyzed it in the reporting post, the original post apparently 
contained malware which was stripped either by gmane or (more likely) by 
the list-serv.  The result was (as listed above) a 
content-type multipart/mixed post, but there were no parts!  The only 
content other than the global headers was the standard list footer, 
appended by the list-serv.  Other than that, no body at all, thus no 
included parts despite the content-type multipart/mixed header including 
the specified boundary.

But pan apparently doesn't like a multipart/mixed post without any parts, 
and crashes!  Removing that content-type header from the file in pan's 
cache allowed pan to load the message, while with it there, pan crashes, 
so that does indeed appear to be the problem.

So I'd suggest loading that group on the gmane list and verifying that 
pan crashes when you try to read that post.  Assuming it does, compare 
that backtrace to what you were seeing.

And if you can devise a patch (I'm not a dev so I can report and did 
isolate the problem header, but a patch is pretty much beyond me), after 
applying it, see if pan still crashes for you in the other cases.  With a 
bit of luck, we've both found the same bug, and between my isolating the 
problem post and header and your backtracing and etc, perhaps there's a 
fix possible. =:^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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