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[Pan-users] Pan goes rogue and hogs CPUs

From: Mike Brown
Subject: [Pan-users] Pan goes rogue and hogs CPUs
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2017 15:33:44 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.17 (2007-11-01)

Pan 0.141
Fedora 25 64bit
AMD 6 core

The version of pan that ran under Fedora 14 never had the issue.

But with version 0.141, pan likes to hog CPUs.  I normally catch it in the
resource monitor.  Pan has just been sitting there doing nothing and I will
see that one CPU goes to 100%.  Eventually it will swap through all of the
CPUs, keeping one of them at 100%.

In the last case, I started a download and discovered that pan was sending
two CPUs to 100%. So, I stopped the job and tried to do a normal quit.
Instead, pan just laughed and wiped the GUI clean.  I had to force a quit.

Download the following file for debug info:

It is a text file.  But, the backtrace info I was after it did not do.
Every time I try this, gdb gives me another list of stuff to install.

I've done the latest install and trying yet again.

In the meantime, I'm making what I have available in case anyone has any

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