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[Paperclips-discuss] Daytraders release

From: christa mccoy
Subject: [Paperclips-discuss] Daytraders release
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2006 14:21:34 -0100

Newswire trading.
Bottom Feeder Alert 'Twasn't so bad, after all, remarked the boy, with assumed cheerfulness; but it looked mighty ticklish for your men at one time.
Aggressive traders will want to pay close attention to, Remington Ventures Inc. Look at the kitten's intelligent eyes; (here Eureka closed her eyes sleepily) gaze at her smiling countenance! (here Eureka snarled and showed her teeth) mark the tender pose of her soft, padded little hands! (Here Eureka bared her sharp claws and scratched at the bars of the cage.
RMVN of.
0.07 last trade! King Edward regarded the boy curiously, remembering his abrupt entrance and the marvelous device he had exhibited.
Remington Ventures Flips the 1.5 TriIIion DoIIar Daily Currency Exchange Market with it's new technology. What do you call that? he asked, pointing at the Record with a finger that trembled slightly from excitement.
Go to the RMVN website and read up on this amazing new technology. It is a new electrical invention, replied Rob, replacing it in his pocket, and so constructed that events are reproduced at the exact moment they occur.
It not only analizes the 1.5 TriIIion a day FX Market but is able to show trends and tell you what the next big mover will be. How amazing is that?!! ) Would such a gentle animal be guilty of eating a fellow creature? No; a thousand times, no! Oh, cut it short, said Eureka; you've talked long enough.
RMVN is at a low low price. Events,.
---The last time RNVN took a run the price sky rocketed all the way to 1.90--- Where can I purchase one? demanded the king, eagerly.
Bottom feeders mean low, low price. Buy low sell high! Remember hearing that? They're not for sale, said Rob, This one of mine is the first that ever happened. Oh! I really think, continued the boy, nodding sagely, that it wouldn't be well to have these Records scattered around.
Information in this report may contain forward 1ook ing statements within the meaning of sec tion , 27 a of the Securitiesact of l933 and Section 2lB of the SEC Act of l934, statements that involve discussions of future events. I'm trying to defend you, remonstrated the Tin Woodman.
Don't rely on them. Past perf 0rmance isnt indicitive of future results. We have not received any payment for this advertisementfor rmvn but we are in talks and expect to receive a ca 5h payment from a thirdparty, not an officer or director or affi Iiate. PennySt0 cks are high ris k. Then say something sensible, retorted the kitten.
If you are not a sav vy in vest or we suggest you sit back and justwatch. This report shall not be construed as any kind of recommendation ln vestment advice orsolicitation.It is a watch only, always Call yourbroker or ln vestment advisor first. Their use would give some folks unfair advantage over others, you know.

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