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Re: [pdf-devel] Error module implementation

From: Aleksander Morgado
Subject: Re: [pdf-devel] Error module implementation
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 21:38:39 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20071031)

Hi gerel,

Just a couple of comments,

int pdf_error_one_per_line = 1;

Is this variable going to be modified at runtime?

If so, it is not thread-safe so maybe a specific context should be defined for the error module, so that it can be passed to the error function when calling it (or just that variable as an extra argument to pdf_error).

Or, maybe this variable is set in a `pdf_error_init' function only once at program startup, and not modified afterwards. Then it would be enough to declare it as static in the file, to avoid exporting the symbol.

If this variable is not going to be never modified at runtime it should be explicitly defined as constant, to avoid confusion, or directly remove the feature and always print the EOL control char.

This feature reminds me the `error_at_line' function, which is based on a global variable `error_one_per_line'. But the difference is that the purpose of error_at_line is to block all prints (except for the first one) related to errors in a given file and a given line number within the file, used mainly to locate errors in input files (like errors reported by a compiler). Our pdf_error_one_per_line is to avoid printing messages in different lines and merge all of them in the same line, which I don't really think is a good way to manage the error prints. I just checked previous mails and saw that you are also not sure if the feature is useful, so I would remove it to avoid reentrancy problems.

  fprintf (fd, "GNU PDF");

You can use the `program_name' variable from pdf-global.c:
./src/pdf-global.c:char *program_name = "libgnupdf";

  if (format != NULL)
      fprintf (fd, ": ");
      va_start (args, format);
      vfprintf (fd, format, args);

The macro `va_end' should be called after having called `va_start', even if GCC does nothing with it (portability issues).

Comments are welcome.

BTW we said we won't abort the program by any way, although PDF_ENOMEM
comes to my mind :-/

I was thinking the same, but Cirilo is right, the library should never abort the program. Every call to a function which is allocating memory must return either a pdf_status_t which should be checked against PDF_OK; or a pointer to the newly allocated memory, so that it can be checked against NULL.

BTW, I read an old mail from Behdad (http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/pdf-devel/2007-12/msg00059.html) explaining the way errors are propagated in Cairo, using an error state variable within object types. This could be useful (in addition to the current error reporting scheme) if, for example, functions deal with more than one object at the same time (an error could invalidate one of the objects, or both of them, or none). If just an error enum is returned, it is not possible to know which returned objects are valid (unless you specify different return values covering those cases...). The solution would be storing an error state in each object type (which could even be of type pdf_status_t). Did someone elaborate more on this?



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