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[pdf-devel] bzr commit errors

From: John Young
Subject: [pdf-devel] bzr commit errors
Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2011 17:50:02 -0300

Hi everyone,

I'm having some trouble committing changes to bzr. When I try to
commit a change I get this error message many times:

bzr: ERROR: Could not acquire lock "<path
snipped>/trunk/.bzr/checkout/dirstate": (11, 'Resource temporarily

and then it will hang right after printing "const_long_option" and the
above error message again. I then ctrl-c it and it continues on
until it finally says

### Patch safety report ###
>>> make check: Succeeded
>>> make syntax-check: Failed !!
bzr: ERROR: One or more scripts failed, fix the patch, lazy!!
Note: commit is not applied.

I ran `make syntax-check` by itself but I didn't know how to read the
output; I don't know if it's just printing out diagnostic messages
or errors. I get the same output from `make syntax-check` when it is
run on a fresh branch without me making any changes (other than
running autogen.sh and configure scripts) so I guess they're just diagnostic?

The bzr error messages are interlaced with the output from `make
syntax-check` when I try to commit.

When I remove the patch_safety_dispatcher.py plugin from my
~/.bazaar/plugins/ directory I can commit my changes.
Does anybody know what would cause this and how to fix it? I am
running bzr commit from the project root like it said to do


-John Young

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