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Re: [Perlpanel-devel] WeatherWatch version 0.2

From: Moshe Kaminsky
Subject: Re: [Perlpanel-devel] WeatherWatch version 0.2
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 00:02:41 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6i


* Thomas <address@hidden> [14/07/04 22:15]:
> I have released a new version of WeatherWatch, addressing some of Moshe's and 
> Gavin's concerns, as well as adding features I had on the to-do list in my 
> head.  There is now a dialog for searching for you location code, 
> a help system, some tooltips in the configuration dialog, support for the _() 
> function for translations, error checking when grabbing information from the 
> server (both for invalid location codes and for an inability to 
> connect to the server) and icons are now stored in a more sensible 
> location.

Here are some minor points I saw:

- perlpanel crashed when I tried to find the code for my city in the 
  config dialog. This happened because $temp on line 293 is not an array 
  ref. The reason is probably that my city was not found. Does this work 
  only for US locations? (By the way, I live in Rehovot, which is quite 
  a small city in Israel, and the site does have my city, so I guess it 
  does support many locations out of the US).

- perlpanel seems to be interested in supporting per user installation 
  of applets (I'm certainly for it). However, the value for $ICON_PATH 
  is fixed on the system-wide option.

- the PodViewer load method looks for the module relative to the paths 
  in @INC. In the code I see that it gets required via the 
  last component only (eg, ''), so the argument to load 
  (line 233) should be 'WeatherWatch' (or, I guess the safest is 

- when the config window is open, I can't open the help window, or 
  scroll it if it was already open.

- when I open the config window, I get a 'No find icon' message (in the 
  terminal). I guess it has to do with the fact that the find button of 
  the location code looks very thin. I don't know what happens, though.


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