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[Perlpanel-devel] Re: PerlPanel Moosic applet

From: Gavin Brown
Subject: [Perlpanel-devel] Re: PerlPanel Moosic applet
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 13:21:17 +0100

> Besides, as a PerlPanel user, I resent having to use root privileges to
> install a new applet.

The standards allow for users to have their own "share"
tree inside $HOME/.local - when PerlPanel looks for an icon, it checks
inside this directory as well. So a user-installed PerlPanel theme can
put its icons into $HOME/.local/icons, and the applet can go into
$HOME/.perlpanel/applets, and everything should work fine. There isn't a
mechanism for doing this, but I can imagine something like GNOME's theme
installation system working well enough. Applet developers release a
tarball that looks like this:

/ (the root of the tarball)
/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/perlpanel-applet-Moosic-volume-min.png would contain a line that can be appended to

Then PerlPanel would have a dialog that prompted the user for the
tarball, and unpacked it into the appropriate directories.


Gavin Brown
e: address@hidden
PGP/GPG key ID: 891D8FCA

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