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[Phpgroupware-developers] ldap error with .9.12

From: Dennis
Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] ldap error with .9.12
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 10:53:03 -0700 (MST)


I'm running into an issue trying to use LDAP for authentication with
phpgroupware and was hoping someone could help me out.

Here is what I entered into the bug section on Sourceforge:

0.9.12 ldap problem.
I run setup, go through steps of creating tables, etc.
Edit current configuration, select LDAP for type of
authentication and where I want to store/retrieve user
accounts as well as filling in all other applicable
fields. I hit the submit button and get the LDAP
import users page.

I am presented with an accurate list of users, to
select which ones will have admin privileges. I select
one user and click 'import'. I get a page with this

Warning: PostgreSQL query failed: ERROR: Cannot insert
a duplicate key into
unique index
phpgw_accounts_account_id_key in
inc.php on line 96
Database error: Invalid SQL: insert into
phpgw_accounts (account_id,
account_lid, account_type, account_pwd,
account_firstname, account_lastname, account_status,
account_expires) values
('','Default','g','d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', '
PostgreSQL Error: 1 (ERROR: Cannot insert a duplicate
key into unique index
phpgw_accounts_account_id_key )

Line: 376

Session halted.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function:
parse_navbar_end() in
on line 44

Dennis Sacks
"Things are falling down on me, heavy things I could not see"

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