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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] translation problems

From: Anders Bruun Olsen
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] translation problems
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 16:21:02 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.27i

On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 04:00:55PM +0200, Anders Bruun Olsen wrote:
> I'm looking to setup PHPGroupWare for my company and need to be able to
> do an install where all of the interface is in danish. I've started
> translating the parts that are not yet in danish but have run into some
> problems.
> First I'd like to let you all know that the developer_tools translation
> interface, no matter how cool it seems, is broken (in, that
> should be 0.9.14RC3) as it is not possible to get your changes saved.
> I've then taken to translating directly using the language files and
> have run into a peculiar problem. I use the Interface/Template
> where "Preferences", "Log out" and "Help" has been
> translated correctly, but "Welcome" is not translated at all. I have the
> phrase "welcome" translated in the danish language file for phpgwapi
> (which is the only file the danish word for "help" is in, so it MUST be
> that file that is used!) but it still shows up as "welcome*" (meaning it
> is untranslated). So what should I do to get it to translate correctly?
> I have looked into navbar.tpl for and it uses
> {lang_welcome} so that looks correct to me!
> This is not the only place that I have this kind of problem, but I see
> no reason to start digging into the other problems until a solution for
> this problem is found!
> Anybody?

Nevermind, I just wasn't aware that I needed to "reinstall" the language
through /setup to get it into the database (thanks Roy!)

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