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[Phpgroupware-developers] Re: how does setup work

From: totschnig . michael
Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] Re: how does setup work
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 12:51:03 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.090008 (Oort Gnus v0.08) XEmacs/21.4 (Common Lisp, i386-redhat-linux)

Michael Dean <address@hidden> a écrit:

> It runs it for every upgrade version, but does NOT hit the database for
> every call.  Only the internal array representing the schema is modified
> until it has reached the version you are currently on.  From that point
> forward, the functions modify the array and the database.  This is by
> design, as it lets us establish a baseline schema (the earliest
> upgradable version) and work with one set of functions for the process
> to arrive at the current version.

but it only does NOT hit the database, if you use the oproc db object,
right? In sitemgr, I want to insert a new value into the database on a
specific upgrade, than retrieve the insert_id, and do some database
updates based on this value. I can not use the oproc db object, since
it does not have the get_last_insert_id function. Is there a solution
to this problem?


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