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RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] Proposal for JavaScript

From: Kai Hofmann
Subject: RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] Proposal for JavaScript
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 09:05:46 +0200

Hi Dave,

> Here is a run down of the class.
> Features:
> * Search for js packages
> * Generate basic js - atm alert and confirm popups (with lang support)
> * Add header js
> * Add on(Un)Load js as attributes of the body tag
> The idea is that we adopt a js architecture using the 
> following conventions:
> app/js/package - app specific js
> phpgwapi/js/package - more generally useful js
> package == collection of classes
> The search function makes it possible to move a "js package" 
> from an app
> to the api, without any disruption.
> The package dir makes it easy to avoid filename conflicts and simply
> drop in upstream updates to files.

sounds very good to me - I would like to see it ;-)



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